Current Favorites Vol.6

1. I have these cute purple chino-khaki shorts (from Paper Boy) that I thrifted last summer and it’s funny because I keep getting compliments on them from random people. It’s always the things that you randomly picked up somewhere that people compliment you on, amirite?

2.  I bought this TSA-approved Clear Travel bag* before I went on my trip to Germany in the spring because I was tired of using “Ziploc” bags for TSA. It was always a hassle to fit things into the bag and then keep them zipped up. This bag keeps my stuff so much more organized and I have easier access to each item because the zipper opens almost all the way around. 

3. I am a bit of a sucker for pretty running tights (maybe you noticed) and while I am not much of a spontaneous shopper, I couldn’t leave the store without these beautiful Gaiam Yoga/Running Pants*. (I did not buy them at Kohl’s, but at Marshall’s – for a great price! Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a link and the collection changes frequently, but Kohl’s usually has a great selection of Gaiam clothing.)

4. In Germany, we have this thick, delicious multivitamin juice and I have just not been able to find an equivalent here in the US. My Mom knows to always buy a bottle or two in advance before I come visit. Imagine my delight, when I bought TJs Orange Peach Mango Juice* and it was actually pretty good. Still not quite comparable either, but it’s so much better than just regular orange juice and a really nice treat every now and then.

5. I shared that I’ve really been enjoying the hummingbirds that have started visiting our yard ever since I hung up a feeder. Just this week, I had a very friendly encounter with a hummingbird that literally came up to my face, hovered for a little while (to wish me a “good morning”, I can only assume), and then went on to get its breakfast from my feeder. It was such a cool experience!

Unfortunately, the feeder that I have was not made from the best material, and the plastic feeder piece that the glass bottle with the nectar screws into had started to crack. It was going to be a matter of time before it wouldn’t hold anymore. So I had to get a replacement before it broke, so as to not risk interrupting my stream of visitors. I got this Kingsyard Hummingbird Feeder* which is mostly made from glass and metal and seems to be a much better design.

6. I am pretty picky when it comes to protein bars, but I picked up one of these GoMacro Protein Bars* recently and it’s quite good. A great snack to have on hand for a quick refuel after a workout or to keep in your purse as a snack. I like the almond + dark chocolate flavor.

7. I am not much of a handbag person, so I often just leave the house with a small belt bag. I picked this Gaiam Sidekick Waistpack* up before travel, well, because it’s small and black and just a great allrounder to keep handy.

8. I was in need of replacing my daily moisturizer, had heard good things from others, and have been impressed with some of the other e.l.f. products myself, so I had no hesitation in giving the e.l.f. Holy Hydration! Face Cream* a try. It’s super lightweight and feels really nice. 

9. It’s been about 6 months since we got our Miele Vacuum Cleaner* and I wanted to reiterate how much I love it. Yes, it’s no Eufy (which Elisabeth swears by!). It doesn’t vacuum by itself (but in all fairness, I think a Robovac wouldn’t really make sense in our apartment anyways), but the Miele has been making the chore a lot more enjoyable. Good suction is everything!

What are you loving these days? Share some favorites with me!

* #notanad, This is not a sponsored post. I have not been compensated by the brand or anyone else for linking the websites, and I paid for the items with my own money.

  1. I have a very old (I think I bought it in maybe 2014 or 2015) cycling skort that I love. Every time I wear it I feel great. The shorts underneath are padded and so I feel very cute and comfy while on my bike! I’ve been enjoying biking with my son in our new town.

    1. I love it when you find a piece of gears with such longevity and usefulness :)

  2. I just started using a belt bag and I love it. Mine is just a bit larger than yours so if I’m being honest it 100% looks like an old time fanny pack. But hey I have no problem rocking the fanny pack look for the convenience that it brings.

    1. I wear the belt bag across the body – like the cool kids – and I think it’s the best, convenient thing :)

  3. Those shorts are really adorable! I love when I get compliments on my clothing. I feel as though it instantly puts me in a better mood
    Also will totally have to try that Trader Joe’s drink: I remember a delicious saft from Germany that I think had mango in it and I haven’t thought about it in years but you’ve totally unlocked a core memory 🤪
    Also I recently went to Marshalls on a shopping spree for Mila’s back to school and omg. So many cute things!

    1. Oh yay, I am always glad when I can unlock a German core memory for you. Let me know what you think of the juice! :)

  4. I love these posts and you always do such a great roundup, San!!

    I really want a belt bag. It’s ironic because I made fun of fanny packs but now I realize how helpful and convenient they would be.

    I LOVE your running tights. Every time I see a pic of them on you I think they look so fun AND amazing on you.

    I’ve used a Miele vacuum before and it was incredible. Such great quality. I’m sure it’s a lot better in terms of suction and probably deep cleaning than Eufy…except with Eufy I don’t have to vacuum. When my life calms down a bit, I might invest in a “real” vacuum cleaner. Vacuuming is great exercise.

    Love the hummingbird feeder and I always use a Ziploc bag, but think your clear TSA bag looks like a much better alternative. I’m going to look into that (maybe a stocking stuffer for my hubby who travels regularly?!)

    1. Thanks so much, Elisabeth. I also used to make fun of fanny packs, but you know what? They’re so convenient!
      I appreciate your kind comment – I feel like pretty clothing makes a workout THAT much more fun :)

      I really didn’t want to spend the money on the Miele, but it is incredible quality and I hope it will last me for a lifetime. Ha.

  5. I’m grooving on that clear TSA approved travel bag. I need one of those. I also am drooling at the possibility of Orange Peach Mango Juice. I rarely get to TJ’s but when I do I’m looking for it. I’ve had lousy luck with hummingbird feeders over the years. This one looks better, so thanks.

    1. I have heard from more people that some of the hummingbird feeder designs are “crap”… so I am hoping that this one will actually live up to its promising potential. So far, so good.

  6. the khaki short looks so comfy and cool. I don’t have any short like that although I love shorts. will look for a similar style when I go to the US.

  7. I was thinking about getting one of those clear toiletry bags, I might go ahead and do it. I don’t take a handbag very often but usually just put my keys and my phone in the pockets … hence why I’m so excited when I find a dress with pockets.

  8. We have a Miele and I like it, but I wish I’d gotten a canister. You’re so smart to have gotten one! I have major vacuum cleaner envy.

  9. I can understand you love for cute yoga pants. I own two and I don’t even do much exercise. But they do motivate me.
    How nice to get compliments for a random item you picked up. Those are the best compliments, aren’t they?

  10. I have a robovac but I still don’t vacuum as much as I thought I would! I guess because I always have to do a bit of “clean up” beforehand and make sure I clean out the vacuum itself (specifically the rollers) before I start it. So it always falls down on my to-do list! Argh. But I do like how it cleans any carpeted spaces, like my bedroom.

    I love a clear zippered TSA-approved pouch! So easy and convenient.

  11. I am seeing bags like that sidekick bag everywhere!! I feel like I missed the memo about them but would love to get one for when I am out and about with the kids once we are out of the diaper bag stage (which will hopefully end SOON!)

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