
Last weekend was an ordinary weekend, but I still feel compelled to share a quick recap. Just because it felt like our first real summer weekend, I guess, and because it was fun and I didn’t want the weekend to end and because I want to do it all over again.

Fridays, on my regular day off, we usually get all of the errands out of the way, so that we have the whole weekend free to do other things. I personally am a big fan of having a day to do all – or most of the chores – so the weekend can actually be used as it is intended to be used: for relaxing and recuperating from the busy week. Who’s with me?

Saturday morning I got up early for a 9-mile run to a) beat the heat and b) be back in time for the World Cup match between Germany and Sweden.

Did you watch? Oh, what a nail-biter it was! This was almost too much for my fragile nerves. The winning goal was scored in stoppage time at the 96th minute! Sure, by all means, just keep us in suspense until the last possible moment, Toni Kroos! Jeez.


Definitely made our day though. I am pretty sure you could hear J’s victory scream around the neighborhood. Ha.

Then we were so emotionally exhausted that we both took an afternoon nap.

We barbecued again later in the evening after the sun was down and temperatures were bearable. I had gotten fresh pork belly at the butcher shop (that I had discovered last year) and we also grilled some zucchini and had Caprese salad and fresh bread.

This really feels like summer to me! Now, if we would all just get a summer break from work. I think it should be mandatory, don’t you?

I finished a book (which I loved) and started a new one, I watched baseball and we went for a walk around the park. On Sunday evenings, they have “concerts at the park” during the summer months and they’re such fun.

How was your weekend? Does it feel like summer where you are?

  1. OMG – this soccer game was a bit too intense for me. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit easier on my nerves!
    BBQing is always fun – can’t get enough of it!
    Where do I sign up for the mandatory Summer Work Breaks? Count me in!

    1. I * really* hope tomorrow will be easier on our nerves! :) A simple win will do!

  2. It’s been raining a lot in Kentucky, so I’m ready for some nicer weather! LOL I’m glad you had a nice weekend. Yay for reading a good book and those concerts in the park sound great.


    1. I totally forgot about those concerts in the park and was so happy when we happend to come upon one!

  3. Mmm, I’m stuck on drooling over that beautiful Caprese salad!

    1. Seriously, I could eat Caprese every day!

  4. Sounds like a very nice weekend! It feels like summer by me, although today it’s cooler and a bit rainy, but warm weather is coming back. I love grilled zucchini! That caprese salad looks super delicious also!

    1. Is it a warm summer rain where you live? I love those :)

  5. Grilled meals definitely taste like summer to me! We live in an apartment now so we can’t own a grill and I miss all the dinners we used to throw on the grill! My husband has been watching a lot of the World Cup games but in our time zone they are all late at night, so I’ve only watched one, haha!

    1. Ah bummer, that is the downside of apartment living, I guess.

      Bummer that the games are late at night where you are (where are you?)… for us it’s early in the morning.

  6. Your BBQ food looks delish! I would love to always have a 3 day weekend, and while I’m sure it would be tough, I would do longer days for the 4 days I worked if it meant 3 days in a row off!

    1. Seriously, I will never go back to a 5-day work week unless I have to ;)

  7. Yay! When done right, Summer can be a delight. And you seem to have figured out how to do it. Kudos.

  8. Sounds like a lovely weekend. And I agree the game was so intense. Unfortunately I know how the next one ended. So sad.
    Wishing you lots more of those summer weekends,

  9. I hope you are enjoying “Did you ever have a family.” I read that years ago and really really liked it. I think it made my best books of the year list.

    Grilling definitely tastes like summer for us since our grilling season is so short compared to other parts of the country! So we try to grill as much as we can in the summer. It’s been super hot and humid here lately. We’ve had several days in the 90s with high humidity. That is not typical for us as we usually don’t get the super hot/humid weather until August. I’m trying not to complain because we have the longest winters but I struggle when it’s sooo humid out. Plus our house never really cools down when it’s that hot, even though we have a/c. But next week I’ll be at the lake for most of the week and that kind of weather is perfect when you are by the water!

  10. Oh yes, it is most definitely summer here. Afternoon thunderstorms, suffocating humidity, lots of sunshine – the works!

    The only thing I don’t like about apartment living is not being able to grill on my patio! We have grills around the complex, but it just seems like a lot of work to lug my stuff out to one of them!

  11. It is definitely summer around here and I’m very much looking forward to eating all the grilled food in the coming week and spending time outside and just soaking it all in. I wish the humidity would turn itself down a little bit, but that’s my only complaint.

  12. Last weekend was Pride, so I was definitely out and about in the city. But this weekend is definitely more like how your past weekend was. Super chill – not too much on the calendar. :)

  13. that soccer match was CRAY-Z!!! I was totally biting my nails at the end, too! And love that you attend summer concerts in the park. Those are the best! I can’t wait to have a grill and to make all the veggie dishes on it :) Bryan and I were just gifted a mondo grill from his parents for our new home, and he’s already said it will not cook meat. For the record, we are not belligerent vegetarians, BUT it’s nice to know the food is prepared without meat surrounding it.


  14. Your barbeque looks great! Glad you are enjoying the summer weather.
    Totally agree that getting chores done in a day (so you can enjoy the weekend) is the best.

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