Thinking Out Loud #4

It’s another Thursday and I am linking up with Amanda from Running with Spoons for Thinking Out Loud for some random thoughts!

+ If you’ve been watching the news and are devastated by all the images from flooded Texas and you don’t understand why a city like Houston wasn’t prepared for a storm like Harvey, this article explains pretty well why. The 500-year-flood explained: why Houston was so underprepared for Hurricane Harvey.

+ If you are a runner and would like to #runfortexas (or walk!) with me this weekend, this is a good opportunity to get some miles in AND help out in a big way. This virtual run/fundraiser was initiated by some awesome runner friends on Instagram and I am just spreading the word. I am sure most of us know somebody affected by Hurricane Harvey and would love to help. I am doing the 10k, but there is also a 5k option. They’ve already raised over $15,000. That’s amazing! I love the runner community!

+  I’m itching to work on my blog layout a bit again. You know that feeling. I usually don’t change a whole lot, but I want to play around a little bit. It’s just a matter of finding making time for that.

+  I purchased a new knitting pattern… with ‘stars’! If you know me, then you know that I love stars-everything! :) I have jeans with stars, and a necklace with little stars, and a star-stud in my ear.  I’m so excited for fall when I definitely will pick up my knitting again and make that shawl (pssst, I already started. Couldn’t wait.)!

+ Ugh, I’ve been so hungry this week. I could eat EVERYTHING. Do you have phases like that? Where you just had lunch and you are hungry for another full meal? What is happening??

+ Just an FYI, if you’re a Stumptown Coffee lover, you should take advantage of their current promotion ‘Grab two bags of beans // Get a free coffee jar‘, and if you order on Monday, all the proceeds are going to the Harvey Relief fund! Win-win!

What’s a random thought on your mind today?

  1. I feel like when the weather changes and especially when it gets colder I start to eat like crazy. Like, I’m always hungry and I always feel sick. It’s a pain.

    1. Maybe that’s it… the weather change! :) Thank you.

  2. I can’t wait to see your next knitting project! Now that it’s cooler here I am going to start to pick up one of my 2 crochet projects. I started 2 blanket projects last winter when I took a class but kind of stalled out on them when the weather got nicer. But it’s been really fall-like here lately, which always makes me want to knit or crochet!

    I’m so saddened by the situation in Houston. I just can’t imagine how overwhelming it is for the residents to return home and deal with the mess. Plus so many don’t have flood insurance so it’s going to be so hard for them to rebuild/make repairs. :(

    1. I have shared the beginning of my knitting project on Instagram, if you want to take a look :)

  3. Sad I missed out on running this weekend! I managed to come down with a shit cold that’s had me coughing through most of my days and has kept me off my running game for the past week. I think tomorrow I should be back to normal, hopefully, plus or minus a few coughs along the way.

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