February Favorites


1. I am so thrilled that the X-Files came back with a season 10. I just love Mulder and Scully! Definitely a highlight of February! I really hope, they make a season 11. Are you with me?

2. If you’re still buying microwaveable popcorn (which is not that great for you in the first place), you need to try Trader Joe’s Organic Popping Corn and make it yourself on the stove. It’s super-easy to make, takes 5 minues and it’s a million times healthier than microwave popcorn. Not to mention, much cheaper.

3. I’ve been using the Fitbit for 6 months now and haven’t missed a day of putting it into my pocket or clipping it to my workout clothes. I love tracking my steps and exercise with it and use it religiously. (Thank you again, dear Marie!).

4. I might – as always – be late to the party and I apologize if that is a website that you’re well aware off, but I don’t think I knew what StumbleUpon was until I tried it out earlier this month and it’s amazing. I warn you though, don’t go there if you have sh*t to do. It’s a little bit of a time sucker.

5. Sorry guys for the repeat-swooning, but I just can’t get over how much I am in love with our washer and dryer. I know it’s a little ridiculous to be so excited about appliances, but damn it,  they are still making this list. It’s my number 1 happy maker this month. Deal with it ;)

6. I’ve been using a few of the Andalou products for a while and my recent favorite is their Resveratrol Q10 Night Repair Cream. It’s light, has a whipped texture and smells heavenly. (Pssst, it’s available at Target now, too!)

  1. I love X-Files and really hope they bring back a season 11. Otherwise we’re all just going to be left hanging with SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS.

    Yay for washer/dryers! They really do make life way better.

    I’ll need to try TJ’s organic popcorn. I don’t think I saw it the last time we were there though. I may have passed right by it.

    And you are welcome! So glad you like it!

  2. The appliances are still my favorite part about this house. I love my washer/dryer, fridge, and stove. They make me happy.

  3. No apologizes needed for saying the appliances are on your feb faves list! They’d make mine, too, if I was you! I love popcorn but rarely make it at home. I should try that sometime!

  4. I still swoon over having an in-house washer/dryer, and ours are 10 years old! I just can’t get over how EASY it is to do laundry!


  5. Ah yes, the X Files…fell in love with them during my school exchange in Canada in 1994. Watched it religiously and couldn’t wait for the new Episodes. Unfortunately they used a different “voice” for Fox Mulder here in Germany than they did for the original Series, which is kind of a bummer!

    I also have an activity tracker I used every day to count steps and sleep cycles and stuff, never thought I’d get into that but totally love it!

    And we got the kids a Popcorn Maker for christmas, they totally love it and we have used it a few times already to make popcorn for our own movies/DVD nights.

  6. I forgot to out my FitBit on the other day & was so mad at myself! I love using it, though it reminds me just how hard it is to get movement in when you work from home…

  7. Mmmm popcorn! I got a bowl to make popcorn in the microwave and was experimenting with sprinkling sugar and pumpkin spice mix on it – so good :) And I loved the new season of X-Files, I so hope they do more.

  8. I so need to cut the microwave popcorn addiction. I try kernels on the stove but then the microwave is just so much easier and less mess, ha. Eventually I’ll change. And I’m so tempted to get a FitBit, I’m so curious what my steps are like chasing after Riley all day long, ha.

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