Month: April 2015

Easter weekend recap

Our Easter weekend was very low-key, but you know, I kinda liked it that way. I did run the usual errands on Friday and Saturday, had a long overdue phone call with a dear friend on Saturday morning, cleaned our apartment and then we had a lazy evening at home....

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Friday Facts

  Three years ago today, I became a U.S. citizen. Time sure went by fast. Considering the fact that I am still not officially hired as a federal employee (which was one of the main reason for me to get dual citizenship in the first place), things at my job...

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Ten things

I think Amber started this list of ten things and then some other blog friends have picked it up as a post idea. And since I love reading random tidbits about other people, this is the perfect post to fill you in on some random facts about me. 1. Twitter...

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