Month: April 2014

Photo of the week: Rosegarden

Hello photo lovers. What’s been up in your part of the world this last week? I am so excited to share my ‘Foto der Woche‘ with you again this week and I am very much looking forward to seeing your photos! Without further ado, here’s my Glücklichmacher #17: Rosegarden (taken April 29,...

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April Favorites

1.) Some friends told me about the European Craft Magazine Flow and I couldn’t resist and had to order one issue to see what the hype was all about. It’s a Dutch magazine which is also available in German and they just recently came out with their first two international (English) editions....

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April Birchbox

This month I received Birchbox #21 and I was very pleased with all that was in the box! I was especially excited about the hair treatment and the nail polish! Here’s what I received in this box (*calculated value of the samples in parenthesis): Shea Terra Organics Rose Hips Black...

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Photo of the week: SoCal Sunset

Hi photography nerds, it’s time for the ‘Foto der Woche‘ and I am happy to share my Glücklichmacher #16 with you. I mean, can anyone get enough of amazing sunsets? I didn’t think so! SoCal Sunset (taken on April 19, 2014) We spent last weekend in Southern California with J’s family and...

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Currently vol.14

Current Book(s): I am really bad at reading right now. Does my “Real Simple” subscription count? I need some book recommendations. Can you help? Current Playlist: My running play list. Mainly 90’s music (Grunge FTW!). Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Trader Joe’s Hawaiian Salt & Vinegar chips. Man, they’re tasty. Current...

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April Link Love

  My friend Ulli wrote an important piece about compassion, understanding and not judging people: The light some don’t find. I loved this list of 10 life lessons to excel in your 30’s and wholeheartedly agree. This is some great advice. It’s all about the attitude! Let Alexandra tell you Why you’re a big...

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