The Scintilla Project

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I really like to get involved in project and collabs with other bloggers. I’ve been a NaBloPoMo-participant for many years and I am always up for new challenges that motivate me to write more and that give me an opportunity to meet new people (or get to know people I already know a little better).

Enter the Scintilla Project.

This is the brain child of three lovely ladies Dominique, Kim and Onyi that I just happened to know through Twitter (and the signup for BiSC, woo!) and I am superexcited to participate. The Scintilla Project is all about Story Telling. There will be a pair of daily writing prompts for every weekday for two weeks beginning on March 13th, which is TOMORROW! There also will be bonus prompts on weekends. You can pick one and write and publish a response on your blog.  The rules are pretty loose – you can write about (one of) the prompt(s) of the day or you can refer back to prompts you may have skipped. (← I like that)

Am I a good story teller? I don’t know, but let’s find out. I’ve blogged for about 9 years and have been sharing my “stories” in letters for much longer than that, so maybe I’ll push myself out of my comfort zone and really put down some stories on digital paper.

I’m really looking forward to the prompts and the stories I might have to come up with. So, hopefully you’ll see a bit more from me the next couple of weeks. There might be stories I haven’t shared yet (I hope so!), and maybe others that I’ve touched on before but never really pulled together in one piece. I am curious and you should be, too.  Let’s just see what happens.

If you’re interested in joining the challenge, it’s not too late! Prompts start tomorrow and you can head over to the Scintilla Project website to sign up and find out more. You can also follow along on Twitter @ScintillaHQ and by searching the #scintilla13 hashtag. Let me know if you consider – or have already signed up and will be – participating!


  1. Ooh I like this! I think you are a VERY good storyteller, and I always get excited when I know you’ll be blogging even more often than usual. :) I might participate as well… I really enjoyed NaBloPoMo, even though it was stressful at times, hehe.

  2. Thank you so much for posting about this! I’m definitely joining in– how fun!

  3. Oh neat, I’m excited to see your entries :) I’ve seen a little about this on twitter but hadn’t dived into it yet, thanks for filling me in!

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