I’m really having fun with this instagram photo challenge and I successfully completed the list for April! Hooray! Seems like I’ll be doing this parallel to my weekly photos, if you don’t mind. It’s really neat to have a documentation of your year this way.



My creation

Did you participate this month? Link up to your photos.I’d love to take a peek!
There is also a new challenge in May (#PHOTOADAYMAY). Let’s do it!


  1. I love your photos! I try to participate when I can (or when a prompt seems like it will fit in my normal day to day. I’m doing Project 365, so I’m really trying to capture randomness from my normal day to day. What I love about this project though is that it makes your photographing imagination strech a bit. Love it!

  2. What a lovely look back! I did the March challenge and started the April one, but gave up a few days in. Too many things to keep up with…so, some things just had to go!
    Happy Thursday, sweetie xxx

  3. That’s fun! I put all my Feb Photos together, but haven’t been doing the March or April ones… I do love having a photo journal of some of the everyday moments though!

  4. I did Feb photo a day and then fell off the wagon! I kind of miss it! Maybe if they do it again in June I will participate. It is a great way to capture your month!

  5. I keep forgetting to do this. And I love it so much, it makes really look at the world around me.

  6. I love it when people do challenges like this. It’s just nice to peak into someone’s life and see the more mundane stuff. Maybe I’m just nosy, but I think it’s neat!

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