Santa Cruz

Picnik collage

J and I had a four-day weekend and decided to take the opportunity to get out of town for two days. Since we both have been to large parts of the Californian Coast, but not the stretch between Monterey and Half Moon Bay, we decided to make Santa Cruz our destination.
We had a hotel close to the beach/boardwalk and while the whole area is a little cheesy with the amusement park and all the rides, it reminded me a bit of the Santa Monica Pier, which I still miss on a regular basis.


The weather was beautiful and it had been a while since we were at the beach, so that was a special treat. I always love to be at the ocean.

Picnik collage

We walked around and enjoyed a beautiful sunset. The view was just amazing.

Picnik collage

Picnik collage

We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant on the Pier and then went back to the hotel. I was a little bit disappointed, because I wanted to take some kick-ass night photos of the lit amusement park, but by the time we left the restaurants, all the rides were closed already (and therefore, the lights out). Bummer!

The next morning after breakfast, I insisted that I needed to ride the gondolas. It just looked way too much fun to enjoy the view from above the heads of everyone else. It was a short 10-minute glide over the beach, but we had a nice view from up there!


Picnik collage

Before heading home, we drove up Highway 1 to Half Moon Bay in order to enjoy a little bit more of the beautiful view of the ocean.

Picnik collage


Other good things this weekend:

sleeping in ♥ a letter in the mail ♥ take out ♥ fresh sheets ♥ crafting ♥ licorice ♥


How was your (long?) weekend, peeps?

  1. Never been to Santa Cruz; love the photos! I also miss Santa Monica pier and the promenade!

  2. Fabulous! I got to see Mandy and spend time registering for baby things at BabiesRus!!!!

  3. Santa Cruz looks beautiful – someday I’m going to make it to California :) Our long weekend was filled with cleaning, purging and packing – we’re hoping to rent out our condo so we can buy a house in the next month or two :D

  4. What a fun little trip! When you said gondolas, I was thinking Venice and water … photos from above wasn’t what I expected. Ha! Now you’re making me crave chips and salsa … and it’s not even lunchtime yet!

  5. Looks wonderful – love all the pics! The two of you are such a cute couple! I agree with all the things that happened…they all sounds awesome! xxx

  6. Love the picture of you and your husband, you look great!! Plus the beach pictures are gorgeous :)

  7. ugh, this looks like my absolute perfect day! it’s been so long since i’ve been to an amusement park. x

  8. This post has made me SO homesick. I was basically raised in Santa Cruz (my grandparents lived there) and I think almost all my carefree childhood memories are on that stretch of coast. I can visualize me and my sister and cousins playing in that very stretch of sand and riding every. single. ride. at the Boardwalk over and over :)

  9. These photos are sooo gorgeous. Ahh… I hope to one day visit the coast of California! I’m glad that the two of you had a nice little getaway! I’m now craving some Mexican food… hehe!

  10. So beautiful! I love California and have been several times, but never to Santa Cruz. Love your photos! You make me want some Mexican food!

  11. Oh my gosh, Santa Cruz looks awesome. I so would not mind being on a sunny beach right now…

  12. Sounds like a great trip! And I love the photos, great one of you and J.

  13. Wow! Santa Cruz is really a great place to visit. I wish i can visit this place someday. And i hope that the two of you had a great time visiting Santa Cruz. I love all the photos you have here specially the sunset looks amazing. Thanks for sharing this to us.

  14. Gorgeous photos! It looks and sounds like a really great trip.

  15. aww, what a fun weekend-trip. i wish i was that close to the californian cost, i love the ocean! <3

  16. Wow, what a beautiful little get away. You are fortunate to live in an area of the country where there is so much to see/do just a short drive away! That is one downside to living in the midwest – nothing is really close together so weekend getaways are tough, unless you fly!

  17. It looks beautiful there. Amazing view from the gondolas though I think I may have been too chicken to go on a ride on them! Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend. Glad to see a bit more of J on the blog lately too. ;)

  18. Your pictures are beautiful, looks like you guys had a great time!

  19. Oh my goodness!! These photos – I want to visit the California coast SO BAD!! It looks absolutely breathtaking!

  20. What a fun trip you have here. I love all the photos that you have, specially the sunset looks magnificent. Thanks for sharing your wonderful adventures in Santa Cruz.

  21. How fun! Looks like you guys had a great trip. :)

  22. Such beautiful photos, what a great treat. I miss the ocean.

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