Labor Day Weekend


{source: my flickr}

I hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend! The extra day off was a nice treat and I used this weekend to relax.

Good things this weekend:

sleeping in yummy granola breakfasts fresh coffee skype chats with lovely friends  working on some crafts projects taking naps watching movies and trashy TV treating myself to some ice-cream wearing summer skirts Mexican food for dinner reading a few chapters taking cold showers sitting on the balcony in the evenings listening to music editing photos 


And the best thing of all: no shopping! I managed to stay away from the stores!

What did you do this Labor Day Weekend?


  1. Went to a wedding, drove a lot, and came home to work on canning tomato sauce.

  2. No BBQ here….Have been under “house arrest” because of the uninvited visitor named “TS Lee”. ;(

  3. ♥ sounds pretty perfect to me.
    especially with me being part of it :)

  4. PS: it was SO great to see you!! ♥

  5. Way to go on avoiding the temptation. The only thing I bought yesterday was Tylenol and bin bags! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend :)

  6. That sounds like a lovely weekend, San! I’m TIRED from my busy weekend away – I need a vacation from my vacation! :)

  7. Ah, I totally want to have such a weekend, too. Everything sounds like pure bliss. And the strawberries look amazing… <3

    What are you reading currently?

    Lots of love to you. xoxo.

  8. That sounds like the perfect weekend! I need to do it your way sometime soon and not spend money. We did stay away from all the stores until Monday and went to get some things we needed so we kinda did it, haha.

  9. sounds like a great weekend, especially the sitting on the balcony in the evenings bit!

  10. Great weekend you had! And that strawberry granola looks delicious!
    Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog!
    xo Jeau

  11. We returned from our little vacation the day before Labor Day and spent the actual holiday unpacking and doing laundry. Fun, isn’t it!? ;)

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