Things I Love Thursday


Right now, I am loving…

… that today is Greta’s second birthday! I can’t believe my little niece is two years old already. Where did the time go? I am not loving the fact that I can’t be with her to celebrate, but I know that the rest of the family will let her know today how much she is loved and appreciated.

… the little videos that my Mom has been sending me of my nephew Tom, who is trying to figure out how to crawl forward, not just backward :)

… the fact that it rained last Sunday and I officially made my first full pot of tea for this fall and drank it out of this mug.

… my new iPod Touch 4th generation. As you might recall, I splurged on an iPod Touch (3rd generation) a few months ago and then the heavily upgraded 4th generation came out (HD screen, photo/video camera) and I was bummed that I had spent so much money on the “old” version just a short while ago. BUT thanks to Costco’s great 90-day-return policy, I was still within the time frame and was able to exchange it for the 4th generation for the same price. Wheeeeee!

… that J loved the blueberry muffins that I baked for his birthday and that we had a lovely Thai dinner (LOVE Thai!).

… the really long and meaningful phone call that I shared with my great-aunt last weekend. It’s those long phone calls that will forever stay with me, even after she’ll be gone at some point.

… Words with Friends. Man, it’s addicting.

… Baseball Play Offs. I just love watching baseball. If only the Boston Red Sox would be in the Play Offs this year, I would be in heaven. However,  as long as the Yankees are not winning, all is good in my book. Ok, and FYI, if I had to pick a team, I’d root for the SF Giants.

What are you loving right now?

  1. Oh I am loving my hot tea again in the evenings, as we are getting some frosty nights.
    I’m loving the leaves changing colors!
    I’m loving that I lost a pound this week!

  2. Lovely list! Right now I am loving the photo of that RING!! I saw multi-finger rings when I was in the states but didn’t manage to pick one up; I haven’t found them anywhere here!! I also love Legend of the Guardians, and consequently, OWLS. Wonderful film :)
    .-= Emily Jane blogged this: The Mysterious Case of Google Gone Wild =-.

  3. i love my self-worth-box ;)
    i love my friends (including you)
    i love that tomorrow is friday
    i love to read about all the things you love!

    .-= kim blogged this: 30 Days of Truth Day 11 =-.

  4. First thing I love is that ring in the picture! Wish I knew where to get one myself! I also love your mug — my mom is a huge tea fan, I’d love to get one for her.

    Happy Birthday, Greta!

    I am loving…
    -cooking at home
    -carving jack-o-lanterns
    -being told I love you
    -the crisp weather
    -making plans for fun activities with friends!

  5. Happy Birthday Greta!!!!

    I love that Collin’s parents will finally be visiting us – for the first time in FOUR YEAR!

    I love that our Germany vacation is going to happen next June – 100% (It’s just not booked yet!).
    .-= Stefanie blogged this: When all you need is a tiny change =-.

  6. words with friends, heck yes, haha. it’s so fun playing, clearly you know this.

    and i’m loving that i can finally wear scarves, i miss them.
    .-= katelin blogged this: On Wednesdays we wear PINK =-.

  7. LOVE that ring, seriously where get I get that? It’s soo cute.

    Even though I do not really love the weather (had to scrape the first frost/ice off my car this morning and it was -2°Celcius) I really love the autumn sunsets that are coming now, some fog, a dark red sun slowly disappearing and then the colorful sky in purple, red and yellow…LOVE that!

    I also love pumpkin carving and making pumpkin soup and bread and some other fall cooking/baking like carrot-apple-cinnamon-nut cake with thick cream cheese frosting *yum* (note-to-self: buy ingredients and make one on the weekend :))

    Oh, and falling asleep under a warm blanket with the windows open and some cold fresh air coming into the room

  8. I want the 4th generation Touch. Like you, I bought mine before it came out. But unfortunately, it was more then 90 days. *sigh*
    .-= Jessa blogged this: Whats new Scooby-Doo =-.

  9. I’m hooked on Words with Friends too! :)
    .-= Jen blogged this: Weekend Fun =-.

  10. I love that I’ve been working out so much and actually enjoying it. I love that I managed to get into the application/interview workshop a month earlier that I was originally supposed to.
    Ahh, Words with friends is so great!
    .-= Karen blogged this: Homes of my life =-.

  11. I’m loving that ring too! I’m also loving spending time with my baby, fall weather, and our fireplace :D

  12. Mmm. Thai food, and I’m glad to hear that he enjoyed your muffins!
    .-= Maddy blogged this: A Rainy Weekend =-.

  13. I think I will love Thai food eventually, I just have to figure out what I like first. I keep ordering things I almost like.

    I’m loving the leaves – it’s so beautiful outside.
    .-= terra blogged this: A wanderer some roots amp a place called Home. =-.

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