I am home

…with my family. It feels great :)

I just wanted to let you know that I made it safe and sound. I’ve been up for 29 hours and I seriousy need to get some sleep now.
More later, my friends :)

  1. Glad you made it home safely… hope you have a great time with your family and friends!

  2. Have a wonderful time, San. Enjoy each moment of time with your family!!!!

  3. Have a great time, San!!!!! Enjoy every second of you stay!!!

  4. sorry, your stay.

  5. Enjoy your stay and have a great time with your family!

  6. yeah!!!!!! enjoy it!!!! glad you got there ok! :)

  7. HEY! Enjoy Germany. Have fun and eat a Doener for me and Ute.

  8. Good that you arrived safely! Enjoy every second.

  9. hi i am glad you made it home safe and sound. enjoy the time with your folks and i still hope i will see u. will try to reach you on the phone.

  10. Enjoy your vaca, love!

  11. enjoy! Why did J not come with you?

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