
(image via weheartit}

I’ll be going back to Europe next month. In 23 days, to be exact. I can’t wait.

I grew up in a small town 30 minutes outside of Köln (Cologne).  I liked growing up having that small-town feel,  and yet being able to hop on a train and go to a big city in no time. When people ask me where I am from, I proudly tell them that I am from the Rhineland. When I think of home, I think of Köln.

Even though I have never technically lived within its city boundaries, Köln represents everything about home to me. When I see a picture of the skyline above, my heart gets all fluttery and excited. I have family and friends in Köln, although I don’t really need any excuse to go there. I always make a point of spending some time in Köln when I go back to visit anyway.

J’s dying to have lunch at “Early Beer” (his cute nickname for the “Früh“( engl.: early) brewery), where they actually serve you beer as early as 8 a.m. in the morning along with some traditional – really yummy, I’d like to add – German food.
I, on the other hand,  can’t wait to walk around, have coffee in one of the many authentic little coffee places and take yet again a gazillion photos of the cathedral, the Alder Maat (Old Market) and the Rhine, like it is the very first time. I never get tired of the views.

Although I have permanently lived in California for almost 4 years now (and on and off for the 4,5 years before then), whenever I go home and walk the streets of Cologne, it feels like I haven’t been away at all. It’s kind of nice to call two places in this world home.


  1. OMG, OMG, OMG you booked!!! awesome and the bestest news!
    i cannot WAIT to see you! HDGGGDL and we need to talk. *smooches*
    .-= kim´s last blog ..austrians talk funny and bavaria has lots of churches =-.

    1. Haven’t booked yet (I know, ich hab die Ruhe weg ;))… but I’ll definitely be there in May, no matter what.

  2. I know this feeling. I grew up near Augsburg, a city in Bavaria and though I’ve never lived within the cities boundaries I feel like at home there. Might come from the fact that I went to school and university there…

    And I think it’s great that you still feel at home here though you’re living so far away…
    .-= Deia´s last blog ..On healthy living (1) =-.

  3. I am not sure when I will be in Berlin. It’s all up to Anneliese. Once she goes into heat, then I will be off to Germany! I can hardly wait!!!
    .-= Maribeth´s last blog ..Spam & Taxes =-.

  4. What a GORGEOUS photo!! I still feel that way when I see photos of London – I’ve been here ten years and still England feels like home. Only 3 months for me :)
    .-= Emily Jane´s last blog ..80s Time Traps, McCartney & Gaga, and Weapon-Wielding Monarchs: April = AWESOME =-.

    1. I am so excited that you’re going to England and will be seeing your Nan! :)

  5. I have yet to be to Cologne other than passing through on the train. It looks beautiful though. I’ll have to visit one day.
    .-= Karen´s last blog ..Protected: A picture says more than words =-.

    1. OMG, yes! You HAVE TO visit Köln!

  6. makes me wanna go to Koeln now! darn it! :) Miss you girl

  7. May I please come with? Ha, beautiful post love. Great picture!

    1. I’ll happily make some room in my suitcase for you :)

  8. how exciting!!!!!!!! that is so cool!!!! I can’t wait to see pictures from your trip!!! :)
    .-= Tinka´s last blog ..Hello, Germany! =-.

  9. So exciting!!! I don’t know when we will be visiting Germany again. It’s definitely not going to happen this year but I have plans for next year. We’ll see. There is so much going on right now that Germany is the last thing on my mind.
    .-= Stefanie´s last blog ..Five Years! =-.

    1. There could be a gazillion things on my mind – Germany is always at the forefront ;)

  10. My father speaks very fondly on Cologne. I have yet to visit. I think there’s something special when someone can feel like home is in more than one place. It’s such a wonderful and versatile trait.
    .-= Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks´s last blog ..Productive =-.

    1. Oh, how wonderful that your Dad has been to Cologne! (On what occasion?) I hope you get to go and visit sometime.

  11. Germany is such a beautiful country. I want to go back so bad! We only got a day to wander around Munich and a day to wander around Nuremberg, both beauitful places. I look forward to seeing some the photos you take while you’re back at your “other” home!
    .-= terra´s last blog ..Video Killed the Radio Star (and ate my soul) =-.

  12. In case you and J have got enough time you should definitly have an “evening beer” at The food is great, the waiters are really nice and the atmosphere is great as well… and in case you won`t enjoy it as much as we usually do …you can walk around the corner, knock on my door ;-) and complain… or just have a Kabänes ;-)

    Best wishes from Kölle,


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