On some apartment upgrades

I have talked about our apartment before. It’s pretty small and doesn’t have much storage space and I am constantly trying to improve things around here. My goal is to make the small space as homey and cozy as possible. A few weeks ago, I invested in some purchases at IKEA and I apologize that only now do I  get to present you the pictures.

New shower curtain
The new shower curtain

Boy, I can’t tell you how happy this new shower curtain makes me every time I get up in the morning and scuff to the bathroom. The extra bid of color puts a smile on my face.

New Bedroom Curtains 
The new bedroom curtains

I didn’t expect the curtains to make that big of a difference in our bedroom, but to be honest, they really tie the room together.

I’ve also bought some cushions for our “dining”  chairs (which are merely some folding chair now with cushions!), some candles, and a chain of star-shaped lights for the holiday season!

How do you enhance your home with little improvements/changes?

  1. love your colorful shower curtain! And I do see what you mean about the curtains tying in the room together!
    I always wanted to live in one of those cute midtown apartments with wood floors. That is where you live right?
    .-= Carolina´s last blog ..Dinner Love =-.

  2. Totally love the shower curtain. Can’t recall what else I wrote though.
    .-= Maribeth´s last blog ..The Amazing Greta! =-.

  3. That shower curtain would put a smile on my face too – I love it!
    .-= Terra´s last blog ..Taking a beating =-.

  4. thanks for stopping by my blog! love these pictures.

  5. Love the shower curtain!

    I lived in a cramped apartment for about 3 yrs before I broke down and bought curtains and ohmygod did it make the entire room feel different!! Curtains are really expensive though, so after I saw the difference it made, I had to have them in every room – so I bought cloth shower curtains and strung them on up on the cheapest shower rod available. HUGE difference, little price. :)
    .-= kaylen´s last blog ..Book Review: The Unlikely Disciple -Kevin Roose =-.

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