Summer Tales – From Page to Vegas through Zion National Park

I am recapping the three weeks of fun that I had with my family this summer.
See all related posts under the category:  summer tales.


Today (8/3) we left Page and headed to Las Vegas.


Conveniently,  Zion National Park was only a small detour away on our way to Vegas, so we decided to drive through it and see some more of the beautiful landscape.  As expected, it turned out to be a pretty scenic drive.



Shortly after entering the park from the east entrance, we stopped to take pictures of one of the parks landmarks, Checkerboard Mesa. Millions of years of erosion have carved out grid like furrows in this Navajo sandstone mountain, which makes the surface appear like a “checkerboard”.

Then we continued through the park and it colorful displays of orange, brown and white slickrock.


To feel a little bit more “accomplished” on our day of travel, we decided to stop and take a quick hike, the Canyon Overlook Trail. It begins with steps, carved into sandstone, that climb above the Zion-Mt. Carmel Tunnel. The winding trail travels along Pine Creek Canyon,  and continues along a dirt path to an  alcove, where we took a short break as a thunderstorm was passing by.


Although my Mom and I clearly wore the wrong shoes, we made it safely to the top. The hike ended at the edge of a cliff that allowed an amazing view of lower Zion Canyon.





We arrived in Las Vegas around 6 p.m. and checked into our hotel, the Paris.


We decided to eat at the Le Village Buffet, one of the amazing buffet restaurants in Las Vegas. The day trip has left us hungry!




After dinner, we went for a walk along the Strip to marvel at the illuminated hotels. Although I am actually not a big fan of Las Vegas and quickly get tired of being there, it’s nonetheless always fascinating and entertaining again to see the amazing hotels and casinos.









stay tuned.

  1. I’ve never really wanted to do Vegas. A few people I know have gone, but actually nothing they’ve told me has made me want to spend the money and go. Put me up in the dessert or mountains! Now that’s Heaven!

  2. You take great pics! My camera always makes a blurry mess of the lit up Vegas hotels. (See how I blame the camera… not me.) I love that you guys have the ability to go with the flow and take detours!! Great travel companions you have in your family. :)

  3. Wow, those pics are amazing! And Vegas, yeah, not a huge fan either, but I think it’s worth at least seeing it once! Have a wonderful weekend!
    Hugs xxx

  4. i love the new font :-)

  5. I keep making mental notes of all these places you visited for whenever Andrew and I get around to taking a road trip through that part of the country. There are so many pretty things in your pictures I want to see with my own eyes!

  6. OMG, I loved the wild west! Sooo beautiful!! I really enjoyed seeing your photos on facebook when you went and this was a great little refresher!

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