We had a good time…

… can you tell? :)

Lemon Drop

Besides the usual weekend stuff – cleaning, grocery shopping and laundry – J and I went out to dinner. It was warm, there was an outside patio and yummy food.
Oh yes, and drinks :) Or should I rather say: one drink, which I clung to for the rest of the night?
You see, I usually don’t drink… but I do love me a light and sweet something every once in a while :)
I had a “Lemon Drop, which tastes pretty much like “Smirnoff Ice”,  just with more style. Just love the glass with the sugar-coated rim.

And, later that night: there was Karaoke.
Not that I would sing Karaoke, as in ever!, but J did  and it was cool because it gave him the opportunity to sing and perform in front of people again. He really had a great time and I am glad we’re getting out of the house more! :)

Therefore, I won’t mention that I went to bed late. Very late. As a result, I slept the rest of the weekend. I am such a baby! Did I mention that I took naps, too?

(Hello sleepyhead!)

I don’t know if it’s my full time job that leaves me exhausted at the end of the week or if this is age related (OMG, I said it!) but oh wait, maybe it’s just because I am in desperate need of a vacation.
Only 23 more days! Piece of cake!

  1. Haha, I think it’s the fulltime job ;-) Glad you had such a great night out!

  2. i think it’s a combination of the above. excluding the age thing of course because dude, we’re NOT that old. but we’re hard working girls in desperate need of a vacation. can’t wait to see you! :)

  3. that cocktail looks yummie. i remember your first caipi night at my house:-)

  4. Sounds like fun. I am trying to get off this weight plateau I am on and then I plan to get Hubby to take me out too!

  5. you drank?
    That you slept is whole weekend is due to your age.
    (I just had to write it ;))

  6. Ah, looks like you had a great weekend.
    Nice pictures!!

  7. haha. you are not too old! well i mean maybe…haha. just a little though. :) hach i miss you guys! that cocktail looks tasty! tell j that we said hi!!!

  8. looks like a fabulous time, haha.

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