
I went to see the SATC movie last weekend.

I was really indecisive if I wanted to see it with J or without him. He sat through numerous SATC episodes with me and while I think he overall enjoyed to watch it, he always was very critical about the four women, especially Charlotte. Not that I didn’t find her little bit annoying at times, he!, but still…
However, since I have no girlfriend here to go to the movies with, I let him go with me. How nice of me :) He was one of two guys in the whole theater though. Go figure!

So, in regards to the movie…

… absolutely LOVED it. Can you say “AWESOME” with me?

It was all I wished and hoped for.  Ok, the Carrie/Mr Big marriage part not so much – I always magically envisioned Carrie to end up with Aiden, but I kind of knew that it wasn’t going to happen. Oh well, a girl can dream, right?!

But overall the movie was fantastic… dramatic… emotional… entertaining.
I know, in a strange way it feels like we know these women, right?! It really didn’t feel like 2 hours, 15 minutes and for me the “girls-night” (plus 1) could have lasted … well, the whole night.

The only sad thing is that “this was it”. No more SATC.
I guess I have to start at Season 1 all over again :)

  1. I also loved it except for the marriage taking place!! I was always an Aiden girl myself… and especially after what happens in the movie?! The rest of it was wonderful though :)

  2. i thought it was absolutely brilliant, except for the ending. that really disappointed me. she should have told him to fuck off! der hat sich einfach zu viel geleistet, das geht mal gar nicht. oh well.

  3. i’m one of the rare kind of women out there that a) never watched the series and b) hasn’t seen the movie ;)

  4. well, i watched satc but i never watched a whole season. haven’t seen the movie yet. so maybe i will get it on dvd or so. but i am glad that you and your new girlfriend jon;-) enjoyed it a lot. smoochie

  5. I’ll wait until it comes out on HBO. I do want to see Mama Mia though!
    BTW: You might need to resubscribe to Dackel Princess to get by feed on both bloglines and google reader as I have changed platforms from Movable Type to Word Press. Let me know if you need the link for this.

  6. I still haven’t seen it. *Argh*
    We wanted to go on Saturday but have just been too tired.
    The coming weekend we can’t go because of a show very early on Sunday morning. So it’s still on my list for the following week.

  7. yeahhh! SATC rocks!! after the movie we all wanted the soundtrack soo bad. love it too!

  8. I actually just saw SATC last night! I really enjoyed it as well, it was just what I expected – SATC! Though you know what I was really aware of throughout the entire movie is how old they all look now (maybe with the exception of Charlotte). During the TV show I never thought that but it really stood out in the movie.

  9. LOL
    I always thought that Big was the man for her. I was pretty ecstatic..if that stupid little child hadn’t hidden her cell phone this wedding disaster would have been different…so, YAY!

  10. LOVE that movie!
    How did Jon like it?
    You need to make some girlfriends, honey! What happened to your old roommate?

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