Spread some love…

may 9, 2007 - day 195

Yesterday I received a letter from my dear friend Cathy and I once again realized: Letters make my day.

Email and phone is great, but there is nothing more personal than a letter. I used to have so many penpals when I was a teenager and I still write with ± 20 people on a more or less regular basis. It’s just like a special treat every day when there is a letter in the mailbox.

And you know, sometimes it doesn’t have to be a many pages-long letter. Sometimes, a simple card will do ;)
[I don’t know how to tell you that sending a little note to someone you care about can make their day, if you don’t see me “waving with the proverbial fence post” by now…;)]
Ha, don’t you love this literal translation from German?? The only phrase in English that I know is “to give a broad hint”, but I like the German phrase much better.

So, get moving, buy some cute cards and send them to someone you love… I sure will send some more cards out by the weekend, before they raise the postage in the US again. They just did that like a year ago and now it’s going up another two cents starting Monday.

  1. Excellent! Snail mail totally makes my day, too unless it’s a bill of course ;-).

  2. there will be one on the way verrrrry soon, sweety :)

  3. i love getting mail but i hate to answer it…what can i say? ;-)

  4. When I lived in Japan, I LIVED for the mail to be delivered! It was too expensive to call and email wasn’t quite as popular as now (1992-1995) so I really enjoyed catching up with friends and family via mail!

  5. You are right! I love snail mail too…

    You should buy a whole stack of those forever stamps that are coming out next week because as the name says, they’ll be good forever. Even when the postage goes up (which will probably happen in a year again).

  6. I LOVE real mail and I send tons of cards often! Yay!

  7. I love getting letters or cards as well, sadly I hardly ever do. (Unless a friend is on vacation.)
    I have the same pens. ;)

  8. You´re so right. I know what you mean, it´s maybe a sad day, you come home and whats in your mail box? A card, a letter… it makes your day. *happy*

    Hey, send me your adress and you get some good for the day ;-) from me.

    Wish you a great and funny weekend. *hugs*

  9. I hear ya, getting mail is fun (especially when it’s not just bills!!). I just loved doing the Christmas card exchange this past year.

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