Christmas and New Year’s, J and I are going to spend peacefully and quietly at home. J only works one day this week and I am looking forward to some quality time together ;) The last weeks have been kind of hectic and we’ll have a couple of days just for our leisure. It’s going to be great :)
Christmas with J’s family was wonderful. We arrived on Christmas Eve, went to see J’s Granddad and Great-aunt at the nursing home and then took J’s Great-uncle back home for a wonderful Christmas eve dinner. We had Scalloped Oysters, Cocquilles St. Jacques, Green Salad and French Bread. It was delicious.
Afterwards, we got together in the living room and exchanged our gifts. We had decided to do it the “German way” this year and open gifts on Christmas Eve :)
Mixing the holiday traditions definitely has its advantages. When J was kind of disappointed Monday night that Christmas was almost over, I could cheer him up with the fact that in Germany we have a second day off for Christmas, so there was another “holiday” for us to look forward to :)
Santa treated me well this year. I received three DVD’s, a gift certificate for Michael’s!, a gift certificate for Target!, a nice mixer [which some of you might have seen on flickr], a pretty new purse, a book, cosmetics and J and I got a huge food basked together. That was a great treat! All the groceries are awesome and the basket is going to be a nice addition for our living room!
Christmas day, we had a yummy breakfast and then I went for a walk on the beach with J’s Mom. It was warm and sunny, and there were so many surfers out. I was surprised. We went to see J’s relatives again in the afternoon and then went home for a yummy turkey dinner. We watched a Christmas movie afterwards and just enjoyed the time together.
Yesterday afternoon, we drove back to L.A.. But before we left, we got some pizza from our favorite pizza place in Ventura and went to the beach. The weather was kind of crazy yesterday, kind of windy, and the waves were huge. We spotted a tiny little baby seal on one of the rocks along the coastal road and I couldn’t help but wonder how the little fellow had gotten up there. The ocean was about 3 feet below and there was really no way he could have climbed up there, or could he? Anyway, there was no Mommy seal in sight. I really hope that someone called the police or someone to send someone out to take care of him.
Unfortunately, it seems like I have caught a cold over the holidays, so I took a long nap yesterday and I’ve been running around with a box of tissues all day today. I hope it’ll be over soon.
December 27, 2006 at 10:21 pmFrohe Weihnachten gehabt zu haben!!! ;-)
Hoert sich auf jeden Fall so an, als haettet ihr sie gehabt. Gute Besserung…hoffentlich artet der kleine Schnupfen nicht zur Grippe aus.
December 28, 2006 at 1:41 amZwischen den Jahren *lol*
It seems like you really enjoy your time over there which is great. Something new about the jobthing?
I wish you a happy new year Sweetie!!!!!!
December 28, 2006 at 3:44 amFrohe Weihnachten!
It sounds like your Christmas with Jon’s family was happy and bright. I hope you are feeling better. Are you doing anything special for New Years Eve?
December 28, 2006 at 4:49 amsweety, i’m glad you had a nice christmas with jon’s family and it was GREAT and ABOUT TIME we got to talk yesterday! big, fat smooch your way. get well and einen guten rutsch! HDGDL and miss you tons!! :)
December 28, 2006 at 6:09 amsounds like a wonderful christmas. i hope your new year’s eve will be wonderful, too.
have a good one!
December 29, 2006 at 1:42 amI am so happy you are with your husband!
December 29, 2006 at 12:55 pmIt does sound like you had a wonderful Christmas. The cards for Michael’s and Target sound like great gifts to me. (Personally, I’m hoping for an IKEA gift card for my upcoming birthday in January.) Happy New Year!
December 30, 2006 at 8:18 amWishing you a wonderful New Year’s Eve and a great start into an exciting 2007! Smoochies!