SPF… one good friday


I am playing this week, although J is here [which means I will be pretty busy this week] :) but Kristine was so nice as to post the SPF assignment early enough for me to prepare in advance :)

There is no way I could NOT play SPF for one week. Ha!

1. Show your Support (everyone supports something right?)


Of course, I support a lot of things. There are many important things in this world that are worthwhile to be supported. I donate money for good causes every now and then and I have done a lot of voluntary work in the past. Still, I think support should start in your personal life…

So, I support my friends. Always and forever. Especially if they don’t feel good [like Kim last weekend] and because I know that they will support me and be there for me whenever I need them, too.

2. Show me your sacrifice (everyone makes them right?)


I sacrifice my “life” in Germany for right now. The Cathedral in Cologne is one of the signs of “home” for me and I will miss not being able to take the train and go there whenever I feel like it.

3. Something red.


My bathroom. Well, the bathroom itself is pretty much white with the tiles and sink and everything, but all accessories are red… and I like it :)

  1. oh sweety, that first one made me all teary *sniff* and SO grateful to have you as a friend. i hope you know how important you are to me and that i will support you in any way i can any time you need me, too! *smooch* also, HA! i peed on that toilet before :D

    i don’t know if i’m gonna be able to play today. we’ll see. have an AWESOME weekend with J there at the schuetzenfest ;) HDGDL!

  2. I am just so happy for you that J is here! Enjoy your time with him! Hey, and write a little bit about it (and pics please!) so we can share it with you :-D
    Big hug!

  3. wow all that stress eats me at the moment. just realized how quiet it was from your site and then i have to read that your honey is here. how awesome is that?:-D enjoy the time he is being here. i am really happy for you.

  4. Hun, that was really awesome news on your site yesterday!!!
    So happy for you two!! Have a great time together!

  5. Awww J is here J is here!!! Im SO happy for you and hope you have THE most wonderful time :-)

    Great SPF, i love the pic of you and Kim -so sweet!

  6. I love the cathedral photo- simply gorgeous.

    Happy SPF and I played too.

  7. Gorgeous photo of the cathedral.

  8. Great pictures – I love the one of the cathedral!

    I played!

  9. That cathedral is simply gorgeous.
    I played

  10. Happy SPF — I like yours!

    I played.

  11. Love your photos and the interpretations!

  12. Thanks for your sweet comments! I hope you’re still having a blast with J ;-)
    And this weekend I shall get around to checking out wordpress or blogger and see what I can do about my own webpage….Im officialy sick of xanga!

    Oh and i have a question for you, do you know by any chance where the picture is from, that’s on your frontpage..the one on top? Keith loved it and wanted to know where it is?
    Thanks hun!

    Have a great weekend!

  13. how did i miss that? j is there??? oh my gosh, how did that happen? that is so awesome!!! oh i am so happy for you!!!!! enjoy it!! how long is he staying? did he surprise you? tell me! so awesome! kisses

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