Two more sleeps

I can’t believe Christmas is almost there. I read this cool article in a newspaper the other day which was called “Things I hate about Christmas” and one thing was that Christmas always comes so all of a sudden… ;) You were just sitting outside having a barbeque and …bang… it’s Christmas*lol* sometimes it really feels like that. I am always amazed how fast the year goes by and that it is Christmas again… I vividly remember last year, when we spent Christmas with Jon’s parents and then spent a whole weekend in Malibu at Aaron’s Grandma’s place :) That was awesome!

No, I really can’t complain, because even though I wasn’t in the biggest Christmas mood this year, I enjoyed the season. I went to a Weihnachtsmarkt, baked cookies, had some Christmas get-togethers and also took out Christmas decorations and all that stuff. It is fun! I really like the Christmas season -cheesy or not. I really love getting little gifts for my friends, too (although I agree that this shouldn’t be the most important thing), just showing them how much I care about them :)

The last few days have been kind of busy. There are so many things I’ve been trying to take care of before I leave on Monday. I also helped my Mom prepare the Christmas weekend with shopping, decorations, and organization. My sister is leaving for her skiing trip tomorrow, so we visited my granddad and great-aunt again today and I had to pick up my Mom’s Christmas gift at Nina’s place.

I booked a return flight from San Francisco to Düsseldorf for the 23rd of January (hopefully I won’t have any problems when going through customs) – which means I’ll be gone for exactly 4 weeks.

You all have a wonderful Christmas! Don’t eat too much ;)
I’ll try to update once more before I get on the plane. I don’t know when I will be able to write an update when I get there, because we will be gone for a couple of days (over New Year’s), so if you don’t hear from me, a happy New Year to all of you and all the best wishes.

  1. Also Sannie ich wünsche Dir ganz wunderschöne Weihnachten und einen tollen Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Hoffe Dein Flug ist ruhig und sie lassen dich ins Land! Freue mich ganz doll für dich! Mach bloß ne Menge Bilder bzw lass sie machen und zeig sie uns!! {v} :-*
    Dicken dicken Knuddel!

  2. aaaw you listening to the nkotb merry xmas album:-D always nice again isn’t it? alle jahre wieder;-)
    now i have the song merry merry xmas in my head. lol…
    hon i am sure and i really hope i will get you on the phone before you leave. but where are you guys going over new years?
    i really hope you will have a wonderful xmas time with your folks.
    love ya with all my heart.

  3. oh i didnt know you were coming to the us again! awesome! i am happy for you! enjoy the time. so cool!! wanna come to my birthdayparty on the 14th? :-) merry christmas hun and enjoy the weekend!!! and also have a great flight!!!

  4. Hallo Sannie, schön dass Du endlich wieder mit Jon sein kannst, wenn es auch erst einmal nur vier Wochen sind. :-) Wünsche Dir ein schönes Weihnachtsfest im Kreise Deiner Lieben :-) Du hast schon recht, so kitschig Weihnachten auch ist, so schön ist es auch! :-) *x-mas-hug* und ich will auch Bilder sehen :-D

  5. Hallo Sannie,ich wünsche dir frohe Weihnachten, schöne Feiertage und später einen guten Flug. Genieß die Zeit mit deiner Familie und vor allem mit Jon. Habt ein schönes Silvester!!Merry Christmas everyone!!Susi

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