Month: September 2005

I am packing…

my suitcases, but I just thought I would squeeze in one last post before I leave in the morning. First of all, don’t book at I am sorry for getting everybody totally excited about the good deals, but it seems like the website is more like a scam… :(...

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What a fun weekend…

which I spent with three of my girlfriends in Bremen :) I took the train to Köln Friday night and met Ilka at one of the Autobahn exits. Since we both hadn’t eaten anything, we decided to have some “greasy fast food” from McDonald’s for dinner. The drive to Bremen...

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Monday again

I had a pretty relaxed weekend, given the fact that I am very tense inside… Jon thinks it’s totally unnecessary for me to worry, but of course I do. He’s says that either way we’ll figure something out. In fact, he’s really angry and doesn’t really want me to work...

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