I am packing…

my suitcases, but I just thought I would squeeze in one last post before I leave in the morning. First of all, don’t book at www.besttix.net. I am sorry for getting everybody totally excited about the good deals, but it seems like the website is more like a scam… :( I tried to use my credit card with them, but received a message that the transaction didn’t go through and that I should do a bank wire transfer to a bank branch in Bulgaria :( that kind of rang my alarm bells. It all sounds really weird to me, so I decided to book a flight through another website.

Anyways, the last two days were really busy. Yesterday morning, I started to organize my stuff and then I went over to my aunt’s, because I was going to accompany her to her first counseling session for her depressions. I was positively surprised about the atmosphere at the practice and I really hope that it’ll help her to deal with her emotional problems.
In the afternoon, I was trying to find more flights online and then Thomas called and asked if I was available in the evening. It was kind of short notice, but we decided to go out for dinner. It was great to see him again and we had a really good time :) believe it or not, I do believe that friendship following a relationship is totally possible!

In the morning, I was looking for more flights (since besttix.net didn’t seem to be legitimate) and finally decided for a flight with KLM on www.travelocity.com. I’ll return to Köln on November, 4th.
I also had to go and visit my great-aunt and granddad today and tell them that I am going to fly back to California tomorrow… you can imagine, they didn’t really like the idea, but if they were anything like this: they definitely tried to hide it – which was good because I hate it when they make me feel guilty.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at my sister’s place, because she had agreed to host another tupperware party. I only went for the free gift :) but for my sister it was really worth it… there were quite a few ladies and they all ordered some tupperware products, so that Nina basically got 135 Euros worth of stuff for free!
It was also nice to spend some more time with her before I will leave tomorrow… Nina always takes it to heart when I am gone :(

Well, I could keep rambling about how excited I am that I am finally going to see my honey again tomorrow and that I am also going to see Cathy tomorrow (!)… ahhhh! Did I just say tomorrow :) This seems so unreal, but it’s going to be just awesome! I can’t wait!

I’ll definitely get in touch as soon as I get to Cali… I am going to miss you all, girls! It was so awesome to finally meet you all (only a few more to come :))… and I’ll be back soon :)

  1. Ah Sweetie, have a wonderful flight!!!! I bet you are soooo excited to see Jon again.??:heartbeat:
    Well take care honeybun and I will write you when you’re back in Cali!??:sunny:

  2. I take it to heart when you´re gone, too, but I am unbelievably happy that you are going to see Jon and Cathy, too! Please give her a big bear hug from me, too.Have a safe flight, hun. Love you!

  3. maus, i’m really happy for you and excited. but it felt so nice and normal to have you around for the last weeks that it’s gonna be weird and :( to have you so far away again. although, the fact that you’ll be back in november makes it easier :-Dhave a great trip, sweets. HDGDL :heartbeat: and

  4. That sounds good!!!??:yes: Glad that you finally can go back, have a safe trip?and a fantastic time…. ??and pleeeeeease send some??:sunny: from there??:lol:??:heartbeat:

  5. mausi,
    i miss you email saying: i am fine. wasn’t expecting it so soon but i really wanna hear whether you had a good trip and how the meeting with jon and cathy was. i am so excited. love ya and am happy for you that you were able to go. miss you already though:-(
    btw bibi and thomas have broke up(she told,called, i dunno alex t. ;-) )

  6. schnullerbacke, alles gut? meld dich mal!!!!??:heartbeat:

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