Quick update from LA…

we are at a hotel close to LAX now and the room has High Speed Internet *yay* :) which means I can quickly update you before I am going on the plane tomorrow.
We spent the last few days at Jon’s parents house in Ventura… went to the beach, relaxed, had great food :) I feel like I am on vacation [wait… I AM :) kind of]. Then we drove down to LA on Highway 1 this morning and checked into a hotel and later we’ll go back to Venice and have dinner and spend the evening there.
Tomorrow around noon Jon will take me to the airport… since we are so close to it, we can sleep in and have a nice breakfast before we go which is nice.
I am getting kind of excited…. although it feels weird at the same time. Can’t explain it really, but you, who have traveled to the US and back, will probably know what I am talking about.
I’ll see you all very soon… will enjoy my last 24 hours here now!

  1. I know how you feel! I hope you have a great time with Jon and a safe flight home!

  2. WOW. it’s actually july 25th already. HAVE A GOOD FLIGHT, sweety andi can’t wait to see you and rock’n roll :-D call me when you get in :wave: :fun: :sunny:

  3. :heartbeat: Have a safe flight!! :heartbeat:

  4. oh ich bin neidisch!!!! guten flug mein schatz!! geniess es und hoffe der abschied wird nicht zu schwer!! kuss kuss!!!

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