Who is who?

my sister and I  :)

For my special friends who requested a photo of me and my sister :) can you figure out who is who?

  1. Awwwwww, you gals were sooo cute!! Are you zweieige twins? ;-) I’m guessing you’re the right one?

  2. i’d say you’re the one just stuffing the ice-cream into your mouth as well :-D right??

  3. OMG you two are soooooooooooooo cute! I actually would have picked you to be on the left NOT stuffing the icecream in your face – but I am terrible at pics lol

  4. ok I have half my team at work tryiong to work out which one you are and the concensious is that I am WRONG and you are infact the one stuffing the icecream in your face so I would like to chose that you are DEFINATLEY one of the two little girls in the pic :-)

  5. any more guesses??? LOL

  6. i would have also guessed that you are the one on your left

  7. alright … I bet you are the one on the right :-)

  8. OK… here is the answer… *drumroll* I am the one on the… LEFT! Sorry you guys to disppoint you… I am not the one stuffing the ice cream in her face *you wish* I thought it would be totally obvious with the hair color and all, but oh well… seems like although we are fraternal twins, people still can’t tell who is who LOL {v}

  9. Awwww… I really thought you were the one on the right *g* but as I a child I used to mistook my grandma and her sister all the time (identical twins), cause they and another sister are triplets.. :-D

  10. *dances around* I got it right :-)

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