10 more days

And it’s seven days later again… the last week was really busy at work and I never get to write my diary anymore. Isn’t that just unfair?
Anyways, I am doing good. I got all my Christmas Shopping done last weekend and already sent most of it off. It sucks that you always have to remember that it’ll take a while to get to Germany…. I usually think about Christmas presents very early, but end up buying the last one the day before Christmas oh well. I am done for this year pretty much.

The actual shopping was insane. I went to the Mall and it was packed! What was I thinking?? You should never go to the Mall on a Saturday in December whatsoever!! I definitely learned my lesson. I had to wait at an intersection through four green lights, because some idiots had to make a left turn from the opposite side and couldn’t get into the parking lot … so they blocked the whole intersection and people started honking and swearing. I was one of them (well, not the honking). But hey, in return I know “Rudolph, the red-nosed Reindeer” by heart now – it was playing EVERYWHERE!
But I enjoy it, it’s only once a year, although I am wondering if the radio station (yes, there is an actual Christmas radio station) plays only three songs over and over again, because every time? I am in the car, I hear the same songs… even in the same order!
Anyways, I hope you have all the stress part done as well and you can enjoy the last 10 days before Christmas without any worries!!

  1. Mensch…hab meine Geschenke immernoch nich alle :-(Den Christmas radio channel haben wir hier auch…allerdings hab ich mich gestern gewundert…auf A&E haben sie gestern 7!!! Mal den gleichen Spielfilm gezeigt….hinter einander….das ging mitten in die Nacht.Und hab entdeckt, dass die hiesige Regierung mein Tagebuch beguckt *zitter*…na ich hoff die koennen deutsch ;-)Lieben Gruss,Tanja

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