
NaBloPoMo stands for National Blog Posting Month and I joined the bandwagon… despite the fact that I am not in a blogging rut and don’t feel like I need to push myself to write more often or about more interesting stuff. In the end, this is my blog and I can write about what I want and as often as I like :)
Still, writing every (!) day is going to be a challenge and I’ll try to do it exactly for that reason [not to mention all the great prizes that are up for people who are going through with this :)].
It’s going to be interesting to have a documentation of the next 30 days, because November is going to be the month of big changes for me! If someone happened to come across this blog and doesn’t know the story, I will shortly explain: After having been stuck in Germany [where I am from] for 11 months, I will finally move back to CA to live with my newlywedded husband. Yeah, don’t be surprised – if you are from different countries, getting the right documents to be allowed to live with your spouse requires 10 months of time being separated. Are you far from believing this? Join the club – but reality will teach you a lesson.

So, I will hopefully get on the plane in exactly 21 days. That should be a piece of cake, considering all the months and months that we have put behind us. We’ll finally start our married life together.
Don’t be surprised if the occasional post this month will be a little confusing. I am having a lot of thoughts and feelings right now. I am excited, scared, nervous, sad and totally happy at the same time. It’s kind of strange if you can’t really decide for one of the many feelings that you’re having.

So, the challenge is on, fellow NaBloPoMo-ers… good luck!

  1. I joined up today too!

    And as for those feelings you’re having…they’re very familiar to me, I felt many of them when I left the states to live in Japan for a few years!

  2. sweety, the month of the year has started for us! it’s exciting. also, confusing. but that’s normal. changes, even good ones, are scary. it’ll be fine. i wish i had my voice back so we could talk. i may try you tonight depending on how my voice holds up after a day at work…

    big *smooch* ! HDL!

  3. Looking forward to follow your very exciting and emotional journey every day in this so important month. This documentation will be great for you to have and read again in a few years. Thank you for sharing, hun!

  4. That’s quite the goal, to write every day!

    No kidding this next month will be full of changes. Full of crazy changes, but full of GREAT changes!!!

    We all have our moments of crazy feelings… and considering the changes you will be going through, they are all totally warranted.

    Looking foward to reading for the next month.

  5. Oh, that should be fun – especially for you! In a few month you can read and SMILE about it!

    I’m on my way! Looking SOOO much seeing you at the end of the month…!!!

    Big hug,


  6. You’ll have so much fun moving!!!!! It’ll be a great experience… stressful but so good!!!!

  7. 21 days will just fly by, honey! :) Cannot wait to read from you every day…
    Are you up for some Dunkin’ Donuts next week?!

  8. I signed on for NoBloPoMo too. Should be fun! Wow- just 21 days. That’s great! :-)

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