28: Currently | November – the Thankful Edition

If anybody paid attention, I missed posting my “Currently | October” post. I hate when that happens. But as you know, it was a little busy around here with two work trips, a move, and marathon training. We also just hosted my mother-in-law for a long pre-Thanksgiving weekend. But there’s much to be thankful for right now…

THANKFUL | for a new home with a beautiful big kitchen and a guest room. It was great to host my mother-in-law and actually have room for a guest.

THANKFUL | for a cozy fireplace (no more fake TV fireplace over here!) and an office with a door and windows (and extra room for my Peloton). I cannot emphasize enough what a huge improvement in my quality of life this has been.

THANKFUL | for warm, colorful socks (a gift from my sister). She bought them for me on our skiing trip in the Dolomites earlier this year and they make me smile every time I pull them out of my sock drawer.

THANKFUL | for wonderful friends who send happy mail. It’s always such a sweet surprise!

THANKFUL | for remaining injury-free and being able to run and follow through with my marathon training. Race day is almost here (11 more days!) and I am nervous but excited.

THANKFUL | for beautiful cool fall days with blue skies and sunshine. We’ve had our share of rain too but I am hoping that race day will be dry (the 10-day forecast looks promising).

THANKFUL | for delicious food. I’ve been making steel-cut oats again more often and I cooked an early Thanksgiving dinner last weekend with all the fixings – mashed potatoes, green beans, walnut-apple-cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce, and apple cake as dessert. And of course, there were leftovers (aren’t leftovers the best?)

THANKFUL | for thought-provoking documentaries. I watched not one (Buy Now), but two (You Are What You Eat) in the last couple of weeks and they both really gave me a lot of food for thought (no pun intended).

THANKFUL |  that we’ll be able to travel to Germany for the holidays. As I previously mentioned, I haven’t been home for the holidays with my family in over a decade and I am really looking forward to being home for German holiday traditions and a visit to the Christmas market (I am sorry to say there is nothing quite like it in the US), and of course, mostly to see family and friends.

THANKFUL | for this blogging community and all of you.

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2024Links to the Participants List and NaBloPoMo2024 Blog Post Ideas! Happy writing!


  1. Happy thanksgiving to you.
    What a great list of thankful things.
    So happy for your new home and the quality in life it provides with more room. And I envy you the fireplace.

    1. Thank you, the fireplace is a real treat :)

  2. I`m thankful for you and all your positive energy and the inspiration I get from you!
    Happy for the new home with more space and a way bigger kitchen! Can’t wait to take over that guest room lol

    1. Aww, you’re the best. Thank you. Can’t wait for you to visit!

  3. I’m thankful for you, San, and all you do for our community!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    1. You’re so sweet. Thank you, Nicole.

  4. You probably know what I’m going to say, but I’m incredibly thankful for our blogging community. Not to sound like a broken record, but I met most of my blogging friends through NaBloPoMo, so I’m thankful to you, San, for making it all possible!!!
    I’m excited for you and your new home- and I’m excited that you’re traveling back to Germany for the holidays! I hope we get lots of photos of these Christmas markets.

    1. This makes me so happy, Jenny. Thank you for your kind words. I love our community, too!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful to be snuggling on the couch with Hubs and the dog while reading blogs.

    1. That sounds wonderful, Birchie!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving, San, that’s a wonderful list of things to be thankful for. And I too am so so thankful for having discovered this wonderful bunch of bloggers, thanks to you and NoBloPoMo.

    1. So happy you found and joined us this year, Alexandra!

  7. Your new home sounds perfect. I’m glad you’ve settled in and are enjoying what it has to offer you. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, your holiday trip to Germany sounds great.

    1. Thank you, Ally, I appreciate this so much.

  8. San, I am BEAMING right now. BEAMING for you. I know how hard it is to live in a too-small space and how amazing it feels to finally get that space. I am overjoyed for you! All the emojis and exclamation points.

    1. Aww, thank you. That means a lot, Elisabeth!

  9. Having a nice big kitchen is always something to be thankful for. I love oatmeal in the winter as well

  10. I’m thankful for you, San! Everything you do to keep bloggers engaged is amazing! I’m getting my secret SANta gift ready to go!

    1. Ah, thank you, Michelle. That makes me so happy!

  11. Oh those socks are perfection, I’ll bet they’re so cozy, and special because they remind you of your ski trip with your family in Italy! I’ll admit to being a little envious of your new place…I feel trapped sometimes in our tiny place because of real estate costs. When we rented, we moved every couple of years. Now that we own, we’ve been here for 26 years! WOW. I’m thrilled for you though, so glad you have a little room to stretch out, and a guest room is WONDERFUL. We have a fireplace and don’t use it all that often, but we had a big roaring fire yesterday for Thanksgiving and it was GREAT.

    1. Oh, J, I totally get that you’re feeling a bit trapped because of the real estate market. There’s not much wiggle room… especially these days in California. I think if we still owned our house, we would have stayed put, too, but as renters, we had a little bit more flexibility. I wish you had a bit more space… but I love that you used your fireplace and it was wonderful :)

  12. Yay for space for guests and that fireplace! Lovely!

  13. I’m so happy about your new home. So great. We had a very nice Thanksgiving. I’m thankful that all of our kids were home and I’m about done creating our Christmas card. I’m grateful that I put a dent in my Christmas shopping by taking Curly and Mini shopping.

    1. Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful! I love when the whole family is together!

  14. Lovely list San. I’m grateful for many things, not least living close to my own family so that I get to spend the holidays with them without travels, especially now when I read how long it was since you got to do that.

    1. Living close to your family is a gift. I am so happy you appreciate it!

  15. I can’t wait to see how your marathon goes next weekend!! You are going to do great!

    I’m thankful for my health, my family, that I live in a great neighborhood of wonderful, progressive state, and for coffee. :) had to end with something small and I am currently drinking some while reading blogs!

    1. Thank you for your support, Lisa. That means a lot. And you have a lot to be thankful for as well!

  16. Happy Thanksgiving San! I am so excited for your new house (from afar, which may be odd, but it is me happy for you!) and I love any glimpse we get of it on the blog-o-sphere. Having space to be at home is amazing.

    Also, your mug collection is joy.

  17. Happy Thanksgiving, San! I hope your marathon goes smoothly and you have a positive experience. You’ve been working so hard to prepare! So happy for you that you get to go back to Germany!!!

  18. Grateful for you, my friend. I cannot wait for the new house tour! Just the mini preview of the kitchen looks AMAZING. So happy you improved your quality of life so much. <3

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