May Link List

I’ve been slacking on my monthly link lists. Have you noticed?

Around the Interwebs

The real reason it costs so much to go to a concert. Sigh. I can attest that it was a real ordeal to score Pearl Jam tickets earlier this year. 

The 10 rules of being human.

Debunking #NotAllMen and Understanding Allyship Better.

Life lessons.

Do you like looking at maps?

Do you use Google Docs a lot? I do! Here are some Advanced Google Docs Features.

On that topic, if you’re using the Notes app, are you aware of these features? 

On being 40 and childless. Interesting read.

Around the blogosphere

I appreciate that Kim talks about it. Let’s talk about menopause!

10 practical ideas to spend less money.

Tina contemplated some interesting thoughts. Should we go back in time for a few things?


I might want to try my hand at a cardigan next. This one looks pretty. Olivewood Cardigan.

FREE Printable Kid’s Name Labels. Cute.

An Awesome Clean House Checklist Printable for Every Room.

For my runner friends

I personally don’t run more than 4 days a week. The importance of rest days for runners.

5 Tips for Adjusting to Running in the Heat. It’s that time of the year again.

How to Properly Pace Your Running Workouts.


I want to try and make this. Southern Sheet Pan BBQ Chicken Nachos.

Creamy Pea Salad. This looks amazing. 

Mushroom Risotto.

Cottage Cheesy Lemon Freezy. So good.

Share a good link with me in the comments!

  1. That’s a great list of links! So many interesting things. Here’s a link to a video I watched about starting an art journey in your fifties.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing this video. I love it and agree with it.

  2. I was thinking recently that I have missed your link lists! Thank you for bringing them back!
    Those BBQ chicken nachos look amazing, I know I would never make them but I would love to be invited to someones house who makes them for me! Not fishing for an invite here… but I hope they turn out as awesome as they look!

    1. I am happy to hear that someone “missed” my link list – haha :) Since I enjoy these list posted by others, I am always happy to share links that I find worthwhile!

  3. Those sheet pan nachos look so good.
    Here’s a funny little video about running by an Aussie comedian:

    1. Hahaha, that was hilarious. You made my day, Melissa :)

  4. Thanks for sharing these links, very helpful especially on the use of google notes as I’m new to using it. And those life lessons, soooo true.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the links!

  5. What a diverse selection of links to explore, thank you so much.

    1. You’re welcome :)

  6. I love your lists!
    I am in perimenopause so I will read literally anything about that topic!

    1. Yay, glad they’re appreciated ;)

  7. As someone who is childless in my 40s, I have to say that I do worry that I have somehow let the human race down by not having a child. But then I think about global warming, non-stop wars, and how basic human rights are being eroded daily in this world and then I think that maybe it’s okay. There are more people on the planet than ever before and the carrying capacity of the planet is limited and my choices are okay. But it’s hard to know if any decision you make in this modern world is really okay, isn’t it?

    1. Well, you’re right about all this, Egnie…. I have had a lot of the same thoughts over the years.

  8. I like looking at paper maps, but not ones on a phone screen. I want to try the updated pea salad recipe. I remember it from when I was a child and this new one looks better. Thanks for the link.

    1. I never had a pea salad in my life, but it sounds delicious :)

  9. I use apple notes quite a bit so the article with tips was interesting/helpful. Phil and I have a shared note with our grocery shopping list and it is so helpful for both of us to be able to add things at any time. It makes it far more of a “shared” task whereas before I managed the list.

    Menopause is still a bit of a ways off for me but I’m reading about it in preparation. I really like the substack by Emily Oster called “Hot Flash” – it’s written by an endocrinologist. The content is very good and very readable/boiled down to what you need to know!

    1. Oh yay, I am glad the link was helpful. I think it’s great that you’re sharing notes with Phil – I have to get Jon to do that :)

      And thanks for the podcast recommendation.

  10. Ohhhh so many good links.

    I pinned the pea salad. and you already know I am intrigued by the ice cream. I think I do those this summer.

    I think I do almost all of the ten tips on saving money. Been very frugal this year.

    The 40 childless article was interesting. I had no idea what freezing eggs included pre and post treatment.

  11. Love your link lists even though I am so horribly behind. They’re still applicable! The post on being childless, of course, resonates with me. As did the one on the 10 rules of being human. I read that book years ago – super-quick read – and had forgotten some of them. To my detriment of course. Thank you, my friend. <3

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