Currently | September

FEELING | rather shocked that it’s already the end of September. I cannot believe how fast this year has been going by. I know I am probably not the only one, but tell me, are you all ready for Halloween already? I am certainly not. 

WORKING ON | a data publication. It’s kinda exciting because even though publications are technically part of my job, I haven’t really been given the opportunity much to publish anything as a first author. It’s kind of exciting though.

LISTENING TO | my friend Stephany’s (and her friend Bri”s) new podcast. I had some time this month when I spent 4.5 hours (one-way) in the car to and back from Mammoth Lakes for fieldwork, and I kept my promise and downloaded and listened to a couple of podcast episodes. I usually don’t have make time for podcasts, but it was so fun to check out Stephany’s new project! (Great job, you guys!) Maybe I’ll squeeze even in another episode here or there. Wouldn’t that be something? 

LOOKING FORWARD TO | another potential fieldwork trip later this fall in Southern California. I don’t know the exact dates yet, but it still exciting to potentially spend another week or two in the field. It’s always a nice change.

ENJOYING | the sunrise during my weekday runs (although have you noticed that the sun rises later and later? It will soon become a problem to run before work if it stays dark longer. I might have to switch my weekday runs to lunchtime. Oh, how I wish I had the space for a treadmill. I loved that I was able to run in the morning at the gym even during the winter months.)

ROCKING | some awesome Streakers 365 gear. It’s hard to see on the picture, but the Peloton Facebook Group that I am part of (Streakers 365) had some shirts made and of course, I had to get one and represent my awesome team.

SELLING | my first item on Poshmark after being on the platform for years (?). I must admit I never put a lot of effort into posting and promoting things, but I was also told it was so “easy” to sell on Poshmark. My response was “but is it?” because it didn’t seem to work for me. Are you selling stuff on Poshmark? Any tips?

EATING | pan-sheet dinners. My favorite right now. Such an easy, no-hassle meal option. I am also into making easy pasta dishes, and rewarding myself with German pancakes after my long runs on Saturdays.

DRINKING | my first cup of hot (!) tea when we had a rainy evening earlier this week. Hello fall, is this you? (Just kidding. It was just a brief interlude, our temps are back in the 90’s.)

WISHING | that I could just pop over to birthday celebrations and other family get togethers on occasion. Both my parents have their birthdays around this time of year and I just miss being able to just go and hang out with them for an evening. Count yourself lucky if your parents (or other family members and friends) are within driving distance.

ANTICPATING | soup season. Did I just say I wasn’t ready for fall? Well, it’s true, it is still officially too hot here in California, but I cannot wait for the time when I can live off soups and stews for the rest of the year. Share your favorite soup with me!

What is currently going on with you?

  1. Soup season is definitely an exciting thing to look forward to!! It’ll be hot here for a while too, but I’m still starting to crave soup.
    I’ve had better success on Mercari over Poshmark, but Poshmark seems to do well with higher end items, brand new items, or I’ve done pretty well selling ‘bundles’ of things – for example I had 4 t-shirt style tops from the same brand in the same size, and they sold really quickly when I listed them as a set of 4. I think people like to think they are getting a good deal.

  2. Things actually ARE getting chillier here in the Midwest. I’ve begrudgingly put away my sandals and have had to wear a coat to walk the dogs in the morning. The sun is setting so early these days – it’s dark by 7 and that is definitely the worst part of fall for me. However, like you I am excited for SOUPS. Butternut squash soup and potato leek are some of my favorite fall recipes and I can’t wait to get at them!

    1. We gotta make the best of the seasons, right? I don’t think I ever had butternut squash soup – do you have a good recipe?

  3. Grr I’m not ready for cold weather. I’d like the fall colors, a few cool days to have soup, and then let’s get summer and the daylight back. That’s not too much to ask is it?

    1. Haha, yeah, I mean fall can be nice… deep, dark winter not so much. If we could just always strike a good balance ;)

  4. I have never sold anything on Poshmark but I have a few friends that do and they love it. They normally sell their items super quickly on the website!

    1. Thanks for the insight, Kim.

  5. I’ve never even heard of Poshmark! That said, I buy all my clothes second-hand and typically wear them out. I’m not much of a fashionista – haha.

    More time in the field sounds awesome and congrats on the first author opportunity. I haven’t published anything since I was in university and I have to admit…I LOVED the process. It all makes sense now because I genuinely loved to write and kinda felt like since I was in academic sciences, enjoying the writing wasn’t valid; most of my colleagues loved to do the research and hated the writing. I didn’t hate the research, but I LOVED the writing.

    I love soups, too. I think homemade chicken noodle is my favourite. I just make homemade stock, add carrots, celery, onion, basil, salt, pepper and cooked pasta. That is literally it…but the homemade stock just makes the meal so delicious!

    1. Haha, I am definitely not much of a fashionista either, but sometimes end up with perfectly fine things that just don’t fit me anymore or that I just don’t wear. I usually end up giving them back to the thriftstores if I can’t sell them for a few dollars.

      I love the process of publishing to (not always the rounds and rounds of edits LOL) and I never minded the writing… I am hoping I will be more involved in this process in future projects.

  6. I hear you on having family nearby.
    While we were in Switzerland this summer, it was nice to have my parents nearby. We also visited Kai’s mum in Germany (in fact, we’re here right now, near Lübeck).
    However, next week we will be travelling to Cape Town for several months and then it’s going to be harder again.
    Will you be visiting Germany at the end of the year?

    1. I was so happy to see your posts when you spent time with your folks :) such a special time. I am not sure yet when I will travel to Germany again. Christmas would be nice, but could be next year.

  7. I do feel pretty ready for Halloween because I bought Paul’s costume in September. As soon as we turned the calendar to September, he started to say ” it’s almost Halloween” because October comes after September. He is VERY excited for the holiday which is really cute. I bought some spider lights for our fireplace mantel this week and I’ll pull our Halloween books out on October 1st.

    I’ve never sold anything on Poshmark! But I did bring some clothes to a local consignment shop last week. They took 11 of my items. I’ll donate the rest to goodwill. I got rid of things that fit well before I had kids. But now my body is forever changed and I know they won’t fit again or would require being super careful about what I eat which isn’t worth it for me! I did Threadup in the past, too, but I don’t think I got much for my items.

    1. That’s so cute that Paul recognizes the seasons now and started to talk about Halloween :)

      Thanks for your insights. I’ve tried consignment shops before and they were hit and miss. I often end up just giving stuff to Goodwill, but am willing to try to resell a few items for cheap.

  8. Poshmark has been my go-to for selling items I’m no longer wearing for a few years now – but it does take a little effort (even after you’ve listed your items!). I’ve made it a habit to “share” the items in my closet every morning in order to get them to the top of the feed, and that has probably been the biggest help (after making sure things are priced appropriately and photos are clear). Perhaps give that a try and see if it helps?

    1. Thanks for the tips (and for stopping by!), Alyssa. Very helpful :)

  9. It was so fun to listen to Stephany’s podcast! I love hearing her voice. I’m not thinking about Halloween yet, but in the next couple of weeks. Canadian Thanksgiving is next weekend, and I’ll start getting into Halloween mode after that.

    1. Looking forward to hearing more about your Halloween decorations this year.

  10. Congrats on the publishing project. Sounds like a big opportunity and some fun and load of work ahead. But just in those few lines I could read the enthusiasm. So all the best.

    Also, yeah for fall season and hot tea and soup. Hope it gets to you sooner than later. Here it has definitely started and it looks like the summer came to an abrupt end. Maybe a little too sudden.

  11. OMG, thank you for the shout-out and for listening to my podcast! I know you’re not much of a podcast person, so it means a lot that you spent some of your time listening to us. :) It’s been so much fun to produce this podcast with Bri. :)

    I’ve never sold anything on Poshmark because the process seems very time-consuming and I don’t know if I own anything that I would list for “enough” money to make it worthwhile. But I’d love to hear about your experience once you sell some items!

  12. YAY on the publication! That’s awesome news, San, and means a lot. :) Obviously, you do good work! Also glad you may get out in the field – again! Something fun to look forward to.

    I am not stylish in any way, shape, or form, so cannot comment on Poshmark. Nor can I comment on soups – don’t tend to make them given 1 person + small freezer.

    BUT! I can assert that we need to figure out how to apparate. Like in Harry Potter. That is *clearly* the answer to the distant family issue. Can you imagine? How cool would that be??? Sigh…

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