June Link List

Around the Interwebs

Saying “no” with grace.  Or, simple honesty can go a long way.

Ahm, yes, please. How to attract more hummingbirds to your garden.

5 Things You May Not Know About Intuitive Eating.

Five Stretches You Should Do Every Day, even if you don’t work out.

The Case for Fewer Friends.

This doesn’t surprise me at all. A Study Gave Cash and Therapy to Men at Risk of Criminal Behavior. 10 Years Later, The Results Are In.

Honestly? Tipping has to go away, and fair wages have to be put in place. Tipping should be a bonus, not part of the basic salary. We Need to Stop Talking About Tipping Fatigue.

How to Prevent Gun Massacres? Look Around the World.

Around the blogosphere

Grief rituals after someone dies. I love these.

I couldn’t even begin to put my rage into words, but Steph always can.

Are you doing some gardening this summer? Planting A Container Garden.

How to eat clean and healthy on a budget. Some good tips.


How To Get Organized With A Home Management Binder. Do you have one?

So cute. Rosette Drawstring Bag.

For my runner friends

How inspiring are these 90-year-old runners?

Six Best Types of Cross-Training for Runners.

Complete Guide to Power Walking: Everything You Need to Know.


I am on a Muesli kick right now – preferably with plain yogurt and apples.

The right way to microwave leftover pasta. Mind blown.

This sounds amazing: Easy Weeknight Creamy Tuscan Ravioli.

21 Common Sourdough Starter Problems with Solutions.

Share a good link with me in the comments!

  1. Yes! I love the article about the 90-year-old runners so much! Great advice in there- “be consistent, be persistent, keep moving.”
    I’m going to go back and read some more of these- I did read the one about tipping. Yes, tips are a big part of my income! Please don’t be stingy! : )

  2. In the last few months, I’ve really noticed the decrease in my flexibility post surgeries. I actually decided to return to pilates this past week, and I took a stretch class for an hour. One hour of just feeling how your body feels is such a luxury. One thing the instructor kept saying is “motion is lotion” for your body / joints. I never thought about it that way, and I’ve definitely discounted the importance of stretching if I’m not working out, but I am going to try and be more deliberate about it for awhile to see if it can help improve how I feel. At a minimum, I need to rebuild some of the stability I lost in surgery, too. I had not really noticed it in the last two years, but it’s become really clear in the last few months.

  3. Ugh, tipping. When I was in college, I could work in ND or MN. I opted to waitress in Mn because you got minimum wage there, which was something like $5.25 at the time. They had a different minimum wage in ND – it was around $2 I think? Like ridiculously low! I have started to see more restaurants around us eliminate tipping and I think it’s a good move.

  4. There is just so much going on in the world! Its so heavy. We just had a conversation with our boys about tips. After a dinner my husband filled out the ticket and my little ones eyes went big. “Ill serve us for that much money!” Go ahead I told him. Its not easy. Been there done that. He didn’t realize there was a pay difference. Now he knows better! Tips should be extra, not depended on to make ends meat.

  5. So many good links again. The intuitive eating was well appreciated as I am trying to get better at that and read up on it.

  6. Always such good links!! and, every tie you post about muesli, I think, hm, I should try that instead of granola sometime… and then I never do!! Some day… (actually, a *savory* muesli, if such a thing exists, would be interesting!!!).

  7. Thank you for sharing my post – 5 Things You May Not Know About Intuitive Eating!

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