Friday Link Love


Camera Phone Lenses by Jo (August Empress).

DIYs- The Pinterest Edition by Susannah (Susannahbean).

7 Days. 25 Dollars. by Emily (Emily-Jane). Could you live the “Poverty Challenge” for a week?

Being afraid of yourself and why that’s probably not a good idea by Thursday (My Girl Thursday). On being who you really are.

Dear 16-year-old me by Chantelle (Fat Mum Slim). Must-see! The importance of check-ups.

Indie Shop of the Week: Tuuni by Ashley ((Indie)Pretty Projects). Pretty things!

What’s The Point of Pretty? by Sarah (Yes and Yes).

The Love List: Blogger Hacks! by Lesley (LesleyMyrick).


Any blog posts that you’d like to recommend to me this week?
Happy Friday!

  1. I look forward to these posts – I usually add at least two new blogs to my reader :) Thanks!

  2. Great links! Will check them out! Thanks girl! Hugs xxx

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