Currently | July

WORRIED | about my Mom who was admitted to the hospital last week. It sucks to wake up to a slew of text messages in our family WhatsApp group and not being able to exactly grasp what’s going on (and nobody has called you yet because they know you’re still sleeping). Ugh. Well, turns out, she had a stress-related heart condition, but fortunately, things are better now. She’s back home (as of last night) and what it comes down to is that she has to try hard to reduce stress in her life (which is easier said than done, as you can imagine).

THINKING ABOUT | how much it sucks to live so far away from home and how sh*t can hit the fan at any moment. I try not to focus on that, obviously, but sometimes you’re reminded that life is fragile and you never know what could happen next. 

(always) FEELING | better when we take some walks at the park.

TRYING TO | stay positive. Always. ‘Positive’ is basically my middle-name.

EATING | German pancakes. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen them a few times recently. They’re so ridiculously easy and quick to make a great post-run breakfast, and I pretty much always have the (three!) needed ingredients on hand.

DRINKING | lemonade + sparkling water. 

READING | my Runner’s World magazine and just finished my one book for July (I am setting my bar low these days).

WEARING | my Saltwater sandals.

VISITING | my giraffe friends again. I planned for two of my long runs this month to go back to our old neighborhood and by the zoo on purpose,  so I could  see them because I missed them.

LOOKING FORWARD TO | my weekend in San Francisco. I am running the SF half marathon again this year and I am planning to have fun! It’s going to be a solo-weekend again for me, but I don’t mind spending some time in the city by myself.

What’s going  on with you currently?

  1. Some months are better than others in terms of reading, because life gets in the way! What book did you read? I’ve never been to SF but it’s on my list! Good luck on the half-marathon, and glad to hear your mom is home and on the mend!

  2. So happy that your mom is back home and I hope she is able to reduce the stress in her life!!!!
    Bumped that I didn’t book the flight to SF when the prices where still reasonable ….. I will be there in spirit, cheering you on!
    Mmmmh, Pfannkuchen – I guess I know what I want to eat this weekend :)

  3. Oh man, I would be having a panic attack over messages from home like that too. I’m glad your mom is going to be ok! I’m sure it is hard being so far away! I have had German Pancakes before! My husband’s grandmother used to make them. They were so delicious.

  4. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she’s doing better. <3

  5. I’m glad your mom is going to be okay but how hard it must be to not be there and have to rely on messages from family. Hope she continues to improve as days go by!

  6. I’m sorry to hear that about your mom, but I hope she starts feeling better soon and I’m glad she’s home again. Hope you have a nice weekend away, and good luck on the race.


  7. Nicht schön, das mit deiner Mutter zu lesen. Aber glücklicherweise scheint es ihr ja schon wieder soweit gut zu gehen, dass sie nach Hause konnte. In solchen Situationen ist es sicher nicht leicht so weit weg zu sein.

    Wir haben früher auch viel Pfannkuchen gemacht. Mit Pilzsauce oder Marmelade, mhhhh kriege gleich Lust drauf… :)

    Ich bin auch immer ein total positiver Mensch! Es macht einem das Leben soviel leichter, finde ich.

  8. I’m sorry to hear about your mom. that is scary to wake up to those updates and not know what is going on. Managing stress can be really tough but I hope she finds a way to do so since stress if not good for the body! Thinking of you guys!

    I thought of you on Saturday when we went to the zoo this past weekend and saw giraffes!

  9. That is so stressful waking up to messages and having a time difference as well. Glad that your Mom is okay (I’ve just caught up on your blog). Stress is awful and can affect our health so badly.
    I mentioned in a post recently about how annoying Whatsapp can be when you get added to groups and get inundated with updates about stuff that doesn’t interest one. Obviously in cases like this it is super helpful to have one for a family member going through health issues a quick way to keep everyone updated. Technology can really be great if used correctly.

  10. Ich lese den Eintrag jetzt erst…. alles Gute für Deine Mama!!! ❤️ Zum Glück war es nur falscher Alarm aber dieses diffuse „Stress reduzieren“ ist irgendwie auch immer ein seltsamer Ratschlag. Ich wünsche ihr, dass sie trotzdem ein bisschen Stress vermeiden kann & sie soll sich verwöhnen lassen!

  11. Sorry to hear about your mom but glad she is back home. Must be a shocker to wake up to those news.

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