Currently | May

FEELING | emotionally jetlagged. I’ve been thinking about writing a whole separate blog post about the phenomenon. It’s so real every time I travel internationally. 

CHERISHING | all the precious memories I made the last few weeks.

TRYING TO | get back into my routine at work and with my workouts. It’s always hard to come back from vacation, but I think it’s also worth it to have that down time where you can just be in the moment and don’t worry about work and routine.

EATING | Mettbrötchen (roll with raw minced pork and onions). Trust me. It’s so good.

DRINKING | peppermint tea.

READING | Maud’s Line by Margaret Verble. I just started this book, because I didn’t get around to reading much while I was in Germany. It’s going to be another slow reading month for me, but at least, I have finally picked up a book again.

WEARING | a new-to-me pair of jeans (my sister and I swapped some clothes while I was there. Do you ever do that?).

NEEDING | lots of coffee right now.

LOOKING FORWARD TO | Memorial Day weekend. It’s a long weekend for us and we’ll be celebrating our anniversary. 

THINKING ABOUT | what I want to buy at the gardening store this weekend. I am planning to get our backyard in shape. 

WORKING ON | a new knitting project. I brought back some new gradient yarn from Germany and I am excited to start a new project.

WATCHING | new episodes of 90-day fiancé. Being an international couple ourselves, it’s interesting to see those couples navigate their relationships. Luckily, ours was never remotely as turbulent as most of these couples’. Oh boy.

What’s going on with you currently? 

  1. I can’t wait to read about your “adventures” in Germany. :)
    Welcome back and take your time adjusting.

  2. That’s fun that you still have a backyard despite being in a rental. I know that is often not the case! I love having a backyard and that is something I never had when I was a renter since I was always in condos! I just wish the weather would improve so we could spend more time in ours. We’ve had a horrible May – so wet and cold! This weekend should be nice so I am planning to spend lots of time outdoors!

    Happy Anniversary! We are also belatedly celebrating ours this weekend to by going on a date on Saturday night. We are spending the night at my MIL’s so it will be nice to not pay for a babysitter! And we are using a giftcard she gave us for Christmas so the whole night will be free for us. Woo hoo!

  3. I’m drinking milk right now. In a Happy Meal. I am going back to the rule that if I must eat fast food, I will order a happy meal – not only to get a cool toy but also to have smaller portions.

    I hope you’ll write a post about emotional jetlag. I’ve been jetlagged only once. I wonder how many times I’ve been emotionally jetlagged.

    Also? I’ve never exchanged clothes with your sister. But if she has some cool T-shirts, it’s on the table!

  4. I hope you write the post about being emotionally jetlagged – I’m sure a lot of people could relate. <3

    Happy anniversary to you and J! I'm glad you have the long weekend to celebrate.

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