Don’t put off that girls’ weekend. Ah, I miss girls’ weekends.
The world looks different when you’re speaking a second language. This is a super-fascinating read. If you speak any other language, or like me, live in a foreign country and live your life in a foreign language, you might relate to this! Do you feel like a different person when you operate in another language? Do you feel like you talk/write differently? I’d love your input!!
I love Sarah’s idea: A new birthday tradition we should all try. I have to remember to do this in March.
We (women) all have these kinds of stories and it’s not okay and here’s the thing all women do that you don’t know about. If you’re a woman, do you agree? If you’re a male reader (do I have any?), did you know?
This article might create a bit of push-back and I am not posting this to offend anyone, but I think there is a lot of truth in this article. I agree that this article is written in a very provocative voice and speaks directly to a certain group of people (and I wish it was a bit less ‘labeling’), but the truth is that it’s a huge misconception (and unfair) to think that people (me!) that support a woman’s right to choose are pro-abortion. There is no such thing. We support the right of every woman to make the best (albeit difficult) decision for their current situation. But if you claim to be pro-life than for Peet’s sake, be pro-EVERYBODY’s-life, not just the life of the unborn.
Fall is here and this means it’s time to make more soups. This zuppa toscana sounds (and looks) delicious. Also, this one pot spicy sausage and kale soup.
While I love having face-to-face interaction with friends, I still agree: internet friends are real friends. I have met a lot of my friends over the Internet and these relationships are all very important to me.
Lessons in the delicate art of confronting offensive speech. Here you go, learn a thing or two.
The ultimate guide to not being a shitty human. You’re welcome.
I am on the hunt for some ankle boots. I like these and these so far. Any suggestions (for not too high of a heel options)? Do you own some that you love?
Lisa of Lisa's Yarns
October 28, 2016 at 7:09 amI am pro-life, but that article definitely doesn’t address who I am or how I view the world. I do agree that that article describes some of the people who are pro-life, but I still think there’s a substantial proportion of the pro-life population that is pro all life. It’s hard for me to vote for a candidates whose stance on abortion is so very different than mine, especially her views on late-term abortions, but I ultimately voted for her because I have zero faith that Trump is actually pro-life. I don’t know how someone can claim to respect an unborn life but has little to no respect for women and other groups of people such as immigrants, minorities, etc.
That birthday tradition is fun! And she’s a Twin Cities blogger so I recognized the area where she went shopping on her birthday!
Lisa of Lisa's Yarns
October 28, 2016 at 7:43 amActually, on second thought, I want to amend my comment and say that when I use the word “substantial”, I don’t mean the majority of pro-lifers because I know that that article does describe a significant portion of the people who identify as pro-life… That article points out a large problem w/ the pro-life population as many of them narrowly define the lives that are worthy of being protected, which is very very sad and removes the validity of their pro-life argument. I don’t think you can/should have a pro-life stance but only defend the rights of people you define as being worth saving…
October 29, 2016 at 6:56 pmAgreed!
October 28, 2016 at 12:10 pmZuppa toscano is one of my favorite soups to make! It tastes great and also heats up well :-)
October 29, 2016 at 6:57 pmYum! I need to try it.
October 30, 2016 at 6:48 amOh so many great links, so little time. Will come back and check some more out at the next feeding.
October 30, 2016 at 7:10 amYep, yep, yep! That article on being pro-life is the reason I have become pro-choice over the past year. I began to realize that I wasn’t *actually* pro-life; I was pro-birth. Doing some research on the subject and educating myself helped me to see the weakness in the pro-life argument. If I’m going to be pro-life, then I need to recognize that it includes much more than just abortion. And, ultimately, sex is about so much more than having babies (reducing women to just babymakers) and to say “just close your legs!!!!” (<– which, yes, is what I grew up believing based on what I was taught) is very, very, very unhelpful and again, puts the onus on women. I think women deserve the right to choose and the government has no business in this matter. And, simply put, the abortion rate reduces with pro-choice candidates in office. It's hard to argue with that.
November 1, 2016 at 2:49 amI am off to check them all out – I always love the links you share!
Hope your week was off to a good start! I am enjoying the last day off after a 4-day-weekend! :)
Lora @ Crazy Running girl
November 1, 2016 at 6:14 amOMG I love all of this!! I have some really cute ankle wedge booties from Toms. Otherwise, I have some cute ones that I got from JustFab!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
November 19, 2016 at 5:04 amI totally get the two language thing.
I feel like I am much more open (minded) and outgoing when conversing in English (my second language). Crazy. But it is much easier for me. Hence my english blog.
And the articles about being a women and the harassment made me sick. So much we know/endure and just take for normal. I do have my own stories and I believe they are making me “mean” in certain situations just to get people/men away from me. Sad.
Happy Weekend San