January Link Love

Around the Interwebs

How actual smart people talk about themselves. (Hint: They don’t call themselves “stable geniuses”.) 

Powerful. Go read this.

Romance is not universal, or necessary.

Are we improving ourselves to death? Something to ponder.

According to this, I should be the happiest person in the world! Why hobbies make you happy.

No, there should be no Starbucks in Yosemite. Don’t you agree? Sign the petition here.


Around the blogosphere

This made my heart so happy.

The Gift of a Lifetime. I loooove this.

These tips are really useful, take note! The 10 most misleading food labels.

Are you one of the few people, like me, who haven’t used Instagram Stories yet? Here’s the ultimate guide to Instagram Stories. I am still debating if I should jump on the bandwagon. [Insert IG Stories Poll: Yes | No here.]


Weekly Bullet Journal Layouts. (Only slightly obsessed with all things bullet journal right now.)

Crochet Spirit Mandala. These are so pretty.

Motivation Hand Lettering Printable Practice Sheet.



I want to try this: Tomato Basil No Knead Bread.

This soup is really tasty!

I think I am trying this next: Crockpot Thai Chicken Curry.


Share a good link with me in the comments!

  1. You’re better than Pinterest when it comes to finding good stuff!! How is bullet journaling going? I’m always in awe of those gorgeous layouts!
    Im adding the soup recipe to my soups to make list. Thanks San!

  2. That tomato basil no knead bread sounds divine!! I always love your link tmroubdup posts… and will be signing that petition for sure.

    I’m loving Instagram stories lately but have so much still to learn. But like anything, the more you play around, the easier it becomes :)

    Hope you have a great week, momma!!

  3. Ooh fun links! I’m curious about why hobbies make someone happy. And I’m totally checking out those bullet journal layouts. I need to actually get started on mine. I’m a bit late, but I was waiting on some stencils to come from Etsy so now that I have those..!!


  4. The letter from the dying 27 year old is brilliant. There’s so much wisdom to take away from that. And I was so happy to hear that Joanna’ sister, Lucy, found love. That was the best update to read as it sounds like she has found a fantastic guy! I love that Joanna’s son said he looked cozy and then crawled into his lap! So sweet!

    I watch some IG stories but I have never posted one. I would prefer IG posts. My least favorite IG stories are the one with looooootttts of videos and pictures all crammed into one story. I pretty something like 1-4 different photos/videos. Otherwise it just seems way too long to watch (I might have IG ADD). I know for some they prefer posting there versus doing multiple posts/day. But I think I’d rather just see their photos in my IG feed.

  5. LOL – I am the opposite to Lisa! I’d much prefer for people to post on their Instastories, if they’re going to post a bunch at one time, than to clog up my feed with a dozen photos. I feel like the timeline is a bit more curated than Stories. Stories is just where people have fun with Insta and post fun videos and pics. :)

  6. I could only skim Holly’s letter because it was just too sad. :(

    I did not know the multi grain fact!

  7. I’m very much not a creative person when it comes to bullet journals and whatnot and I keep myself organized in a different way, but I still can’t help but look at all the pretty layouts that keep popping up. I even joined a group on Facebook just to look at all the lovely way people organize their lives.

    And no, Starbucks should not be invited into our National Parks. That just pisses me off.

    1. Haha… I’ve been stalking the hashtag #bulletjournal on Instagram and Pinterest.

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