Hello September 

I swear, it feels like I am writing these “welcome to a new month”-posts faster and faster. August is over and done with, a new month awaits. The year is literally flying by and I am holding on for dear life. The days are perceivably getting shorter again and I am slowly starting to think about fall. Very slowly though. The weather has been too nice around here for the last week (mid-80’s and cool at night).  

Here’s what’s going on in September.

+ I started a new training plan a couple of weeks ago. So much for taking it easier in August, but I just do better with a plan and I can’t take too much of a break, because a) I cannot allow myself to fall off the bandwagon and b) my feet were itching to get out there again (which I am just taking as good sign). I know I do need to start incorporating some more cross-training (or any – ahem) into my training schedule though. I always have good intentions; until I don’t.

+ It’s my Dad’s birthday this month and while I won’t be able to hug him on his actual birthday (the 16th), I will get to hug him + get to celebrate with him in 4 short weeks, because…

+ …  my Mom + Dad will be our first visitors at the end of the month and I am planning to bring our house and backyard into “ready to host”-condition by then. I honestly cannot wait!

+ I am beyond stoked that I’ll be seeing my dear friend of 24 years from Sydney, Australia for a long weekend this month. She’ll be traveling to the States with her family and I get to hang out with them for a few days. The last time we were able to meet up (for the first time!) was in 2005. So, it’s been a while and to say that I am excited is the understatement of the century.

+ We finally bought a new couch last weekend and I can’t wait for it to get delivered, so I can show it to you.

+ I’m looking forward to the long weekend. Monday is Labor Day (FYI for my non-US-based readers) and I get a 4-day-weekend out of this. I approve.

What are you doing this weekend and what’s going on with you in September?

  1. That’s exciting that you started a new training plan. It always feels good to have a plan and it’s easier to stay motivated when you have one! You should definitely find some ways to work in cross training, though, as it will make you a stronger runner and reduce your chances of getting an injury. I learned that lesson the hard way with the injuries I’ve had. :/

    Enjoy your long weekend! That’s awesome that it’s a 4 day one for you. It’s a 3.5 day one for me as we have an early market close at 1 today. We are heading up to a lake resort in Northern MN for a friend’s wedding. It should be a really fun time.

  2. Yay for visitors and yay for new couch!!


  3. Yay! I’m glad your parents get to come for a visit! I’m heading across the country to visit my family in another week … I haven’t seen my dad in more than three years!

    I hope you have a great long weekend! We’re taking the kids to a corn maze this weekend. Apart from that, I’m planning to do some serious resting ;)

  4. Hi San,

    I love how you line up your thoughts and plans for the month, looking forward to some things can be so rewarding and exciting. I’m glad you’ll get your parents coming over, I just got my mum with me too :)

    September is a dear month to me, getting geared up for autumn, and it’s a season that I love. It’s got the smell of freshly mowed grass, the sound of crushing dry leafs on the floor, the colour of orange and a warm brown. I’m planning more cooking and baking, market visits and cozying up at home with candles and tea. Admittedly, England will be colder much quicker than California.
    For September this year, I mainly look forward to watch the Paralympics – Wheelchair Basketball, the sport I love a practice myself. I want to up my individual training, not just because my baby changes my flexibility slightly, but also because my body and mind need training time on my own and I’m very much looking forward to it.
    Also…. the new Inkwell planner needs ordering, I missed out last year, but after your recommendation and ordering the term planner for some friends, I am so excited to have my own.

    Hope you are very well San, well done on your running ventures and have a lovely September.

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