Home Tour

I know, I know. We’ve lived in our house for 7+ months now *gasp* and I still haven’t given you the big tour. The reason is that there is still so much more I want to do to this space, but purchasing ALL THE NEW THINGS requires time.  We’ve made a few investments already, but there are more things I want to buy. I heard that one is never really ‘done’ after moving into a house and I am afraid that might be true… so, to finally show you a bit of our new living quarters, you get the current state of affairs. Future changes to be expected.


the living room

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the living room + front door


the dining area


the kitchen

This kitchen is my EVERYTHING. Honestly, if you’d ask me what the favorite part of our house is, it’s the kitchen. I dreamed of a bigger kitchen (with ample counterspace) for such a long time. And I just love the Scandinavian-farmhouse style of this kitchen. It’s the first thing I noticed when I walked into the house on “Open house”-day and it’s what I instantly fell in love with. Of course, it didn’t hurt that I pretty much liked everything else about this house as well.





our own washer + dryer – yay! :)


the hallway


the bedroom

Yeah. Our bedroom still needs some love.

Not pictured:

+ the second bedroom (craft room – ha!), because it’s still a total mess (even after 7 months). Maybe I get it set up and presentable before my parents visit in a couple of months. 

+ our backyard (because I haven’t taken any photos yet). 

Stay tuned for any updates!


  1. We’re at 11 months and…yeah, still not done. We’re mostly done though. Our last “big” project is adding shutters to the three windows in the stairwell going from the second to third floors. Once that’s done, we don’t have any more plans for larger, permanent changes. I still want to find a firepit/table combo for our patio, but I’m in no rush. I definitely think there’s always going to be something else that could be done.

    I love your kitchen. It looks super cozy and inviting.

    1. I didn’t realize how much money goes into furnishing a new house… LOL

  2. Beautiful home! The hardwood floors and molding make me think it’s an older home. Pre-1950s perhaps? They certainly don’t build them like they used to.

    1. Correct – more like 1930’s, but nicely updated. I love it.

  3. Such a beautiful home! LOOOOVE it! :)

  4. Schön habt Ihr es da in Euren vier Wänden. So amerikanisch. Erinnert mich an
    dieses eine Jahr dort… Manchmal würde ich die Zeit gerne zurück drehen!
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    LG Bine

    1. Danke Bine für den lieben Kommentar und dass du mal vorbeigeschaut hast ;)

  5. What a beautiful home! I can see why you fell in love with the kitchen! Enjoy filling up the rest of your home. I feel like it never ends once you purchase a home. :)

    1. Thank you Joy. The kitchen was definitely what sold me on this house :)

  6. Beautiful house. I see a lot of OKES stuff. :) But where is your Kitchen Aid?????

    1. Ha, I actually think I took this picture before I bought my kitchen aid… as you can see, already not up to date. ;)

  7. OH I LOVE IT!!! I’m a fan of the kitchen too – that little bit of brick and those cupboards are amazing!


  8. That kitchen is so heavenly!!


  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE that kitchen!

  10. Yeah, what Kristen said: the kitchen is awesome!!!!

  11. I love older style houses, like the built in book shelf by the fireplace, LOVE. And though maybe not original, the end shelf in the kitchen on the bottom row of cabinets. Love those spaces for little trinkets, especially ones I get traveling that need a loving & visible home.

    1. Totally agree. This house has been nicely updated and still kept a lot of its old charm.

  12. Your kitchen makes me DROOL. It is BEAUTIFUL. I also love all the built-in shelves… so lovely. I want to move in now. ;)

    1. Thank you. The kitchen is definitely what sold me on the place ;)

  13. Your house is so adorable!! It’s bright and sunny! And I adore your kitchen! The white cupboards make it so bright and I love the exposed brick wall. I am also envious of your fireplace! I can see why you fell in love with this house!!

    I have been living at Phil’s for 3 months and I have barely gotten any house projects done so I don’t see myself sharing photos for quite awhile either! I’d at least like to get some painting done and replace some furniture in the living room. And then paint the doors of the house, too. Hopefully I can get some of that stuff done before the end of the year!

    1. Thank you :) We’re so happy here!
      I love how you can do house projects and change things to your liking… I can’t wait to see what you do to Phil’s house :)

  14. What a beautiful and cozy home! LOVE the kitchen, but I guess that’s just how us girls roll! I agree, one is never done changing things and decorating when becoming a home owner. We’ve been re-doing our family room and our backyard in the past few weeks and I will soon blog about it!

    1. Thank you… and I can’t wait to see what you did to your house! :)

  15. I absolutely love your house! It’s beautiful!

  16. Sehr, sehr schön, Sandra! Da habt ihr wirklich ein tolles Haus gefunden. Besonders die Küche, der Kamin… super! Gefällt mir alles richtig gut. Und ich wünschte wir hätten unsere eigene WM + Trockner.

    1. Danke Jessi. Wir fühlen uns wirklich sehr wohl…. und ihr habt keine WM + Trockner?

  17. Congrats again on buying a home! It looks so cozy and seems like the decor is coming a long nicely. Can’t wait to see more updates!

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