This week I am loving…
… that Instagram finally introduced multiple account logins. Hallelujah. I think they heard my (recent) pleas. This is such a game changer (I bet, not just for me).
… my new NorthFace snow jacket which I scored at the REI end of the season sale. Woot! This will come in handy very soon.
… the spring-like weather this week. Sunny, blue skies just cannot be beaten and slowly but surely, it’s starting to stay lighter longer in the evenings. I am still hoping for some more rain though.
… Season 10 of The X-Files. Are you watching? I am so excited.We’ve only watched two episodes so far, but I think they did a great job “reviving” this cult series! I never watched it when it first aired, but J made me watch all 9 seasons a few years ago. I am so thrilled Mulder and Scully are back.
… knitting for the little ones of two of my dear friends. I must say, knitting a clothing item for a baby/toddler is so much less intimidating than knitting an adult piece. Ha.
… fiddling with my new WordPress theme. J doesn’t understand it at all (but to his defense, he’s not into anything computer-related and he kept asking me if I was having fun with what I was doing), but I like the challenge of fiddling with design codes and getting my blog set up just the way I like it. It gives me a strange sense of accomplishment.
… happy mail in my mailbox. Thanks so much, friend.
… a spontaneous “let’s not cook, but get Mexican take-out tonight” call from J this week. I mean, come on, who doesn’t love ‘Mexican’ and ‘take out’ in the same sentence?
What’s one thing you’re loving this week?
Lisa of Lisa's Yarns
February 11, 2016 at 8:25 amThe knitting project you are working on looks beautiful! I’ve been doing way more knitting lately, which I am loving! Other things I’m loving are seeing that the weather will get back to the 30s next week (it was 3F this morning!!), the adult coloring book Nora got me for my birthday, and the fact that this weekend is a 3-day weekend!
February 11, 2016 at 11:49 amYes, 3-day weekend FTW!
Feisty Harriet
February 11, 2016 at 11:13 amMmmmm, Mexican take-out is my fail-safe solution to a less-than-stellar day. :)
February 11, 2016 at 11:49 amEXACTLY!
February 11, 2016 at 11:40 amI’m LOLing at your reference to this week’s “spring-like weather,” because it’s the first time I’ll winter that we’ve gotten a bunch of snow, & the high on Saturday is seven degrees! Enjoy yours for me. :)
February 11, 2016 at 11:50 amHA! I am sorry (I realize, not everybody lives in CA ;)).
February 11, 2016 at 2:19 pmYou’re welcome. :) Love the list!!
February 12, 2016 at 8:09 amI can imagine knitting for a small person is way easier and takes less time! I can’t even knit a scarf.
I absolutely love that they brought back the x-files. I should go back and watch all the old episodes/seasons just to remember stuff again. I was such an addict of the show when it was on.
So will you hate me and no longer be my friend if i tell you that I actually don’t like Mexican food? I know, I might be the only person in the US who doesn’t, but it just never appealed to me.
February 16, 2016 at 9:57 amWe’ve seen 2 episodes of the X-Files as well and I have to agree, I really like it so far.
What a nice yarn – you’re right, knitting for little ones is a lot less intimidating! And happy mail is just the best! I’ve been really bad at writing though – I really need to make more time for that!