ABC Photo Challenge

Edited with Phonto.

As I mentioned, I participated in a little photo challenge on Instagram. My blog friend Fee initiated the ABC photo challenge earlier this month and since I hadn’t participated in any challenges lately, I thought it would be fun to document part of this month by playing along. Here are all the photos for my personal ABC.

A is for Azalea. There are some beautiful azalea bushes close to my work.

B is for breakfast. Steel-cut oats with apples. Hmm :)

C is for Chemex and coffee. The best, that’s all.

D is for daffodils. I love those yellow, happy flowers.

E is for Easter bread. I baked our traditional sweet yeast bread for Easter and it was so delicious!

F is for family. My sister’s wonderful family, to be exact.

G is for gray skies. We got some rain earlier this month. Very needed, much appreciated.

H is for home-cooked meal. Turkey-mushroom-spätzle bowl with green beans.

I is for I Street. 

J is for Jetta. Our new ride!

K is for (door) knobs in our old, vintage apartment.

L is for lazy baseball Sunday. Go Red Sox!

M is for McKinley Park. Another day, another run at this lovely park.

N is for never tired of these beautiful magnolia blossoms.

O is for Oh, I just ran 4 miles.

P is for pasta. Yummy home-made spaghetti with spicy italian sausage.

Q is for quality time at the beach last summer.

R is for Red Cherry Trees.

S is for Sunday Thai cravings.

T is for (summer-ready) toes and the first pedicure of the year.

U is for unreal. Yosemite National Park is so amazing!

V is for Volkswagen.

W is for water which I am tracking with the new @NalgeneUSA app on my phone. Drinking enough is one of my goals for 2015.

(X)Y(Z) is for (water) yoga at the Willow Stream Spa in Sonoma where I spent the day with my dear friend Susi.

If you want to see some of the other photos of people who participated, check out hashtag #abcfee2015 on Instagram.

  1. Hey, nach deinen ganzen lieben Kommentaren musste ich mir natürlich auch mal dein ABCfee-Rückblick anschauen, welcher mir ebenso sehr gut gefällt. :-) Besonders gut gefallen mir die Naturfotos wie die schönen Magnolien und der Yosemite National Park.
    Liebe Grüße, Julia

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