Photo of the week: Christmas time

Foto der Woche

Hello friends! It’s time again for another ‘Foto der Woche‘ and here’s what I am excited about this week. My Glücklichmacher #49:

Photo of the week: Christmas time

Christmas time (taken December 8, 2014)

We don’t have much space in our small apartment for a big tree or a lot of Christmas decoration. I wish we had a fire place and a mantle that I could decorate (so many ideas!), but alas, we don’t, and so a scaled down Christmas decoration has to do. I love our tiny Christmas tree, the reindeer (that my sister gave me last year) and my Willow Tree angel of friendship. They put a smile on my face during the holiday season!

  1. Aww, the reindeer is so adorable! I like your Christmas decoration a lot. I do not even have a tree. I only have Christmas lights in my living room and a Christmas themed music box. :)

  2. So pretty!

    If it makes you feel any better, we do have a fireplace (actual wood burning fireplace) and a mantle but I never decorate it with Christmas stuff such as stockings because of the potential fire hazard (I’m pretty paranoid about that).

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