A little blog re-design!

Hey friends! I am launching my new blog design today and am curious what you think of it!


Every few months, I seem to get the itch for something new (don’t we all?) and after a recent participation in a blogging exchange and a really productive email back-and-forth with the lovely Tobia from Craftaliciousme.com, who I was teamed up with, I decided to do some house cleaning and give my little blog a fresh new look!

If you’re reading this in a reader, I encourage you to click on over and check out the new design! It’s been a tedious, ongoing process behind the scenes, but I am very excited that things are finally coming together. CSS code sure can be a pain in the a**, but it also leaves you with so much freedom to accomplish the exact design that you’re looking for.

I built this layout on a free WordPress template and just tempered with it until I got what I wanted. I am no expert by any means, self-taught all the way, so I don’t expect everything to work smoothly right away. So, if you do find a bug or if something looks odd or is not working for you, please leave me a comment or shoot me an email so that I can fix it asap.

Besides that, enjoy the new look! And as always, thanks again for taking the time to read and comment! I appreciate you!

  1. Oh wie schön. Gefällt mir sehr gut. Und was für eine witzige Idee mit der Weltkarte :-)

  2. It looks great! I used to love changing up my design every now and then but css gives me a headache. I can’t see my current layout changing any time soon unless I pay someone else to do it :)

  3. love the new look! :) i get tired of my layout now and again and change things up too.

  4. Love it!! It;s very clean and crisp, but still cozy. I could hang out in your blog (even more than I already do! Ha!) Hope you feel at home in your corner of the internet :)

  5. I love the redesign! It looks great!

  6. oh this is so fun, i love it! i need a redesign soon too.

  7. Looks beautiful, I like the new look! <3

  8. LOVE the new design, San! Gorgeous!

  9. Very pretty!! Love the little map! Mine is due a redesign, too, now that the wedding is done with. If only the day had 25 hours ;-)

  10. ohhhhh loving it!
    ist traumhaft geworden und erinnert mich daran, das mein Design eigentlich nur ein Zwischenschritt war und ich mich doch noch mit CSS beschäftigen wollte.
    Ich mag die Typo. ach schön! und so aufgeräumt und hell.
    Liebe Grüße aus Berlin, Tobia

  11. Haaaach… Und ich weiß genau, wo die Linie in Deutschland hinführt :-)

    1. Ich lese ALLES Dank Feedly :-) ich kommentiere nur fast nie. Das sollte ich vielleicht mal ändern :-) Hier ist alles gut… Es ist ja schon Freitag! Yippieh!

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