September Favorites


1.)  I am loving this From the Fields Currant Walnut Cereal which I can buy in bulk at our local Co-op. It doesn’t have any added artificial sugar and only 5g of natural sugar through the dried currants. It’s still super-crunchy because of toasted oats and pumpkin seeds and so yummy. I approve.

2.) I saw a recommendation for the P2 Perfect Look Nail polish online and so I decided to buy it when I was in Germany. I usually don’t wear very colorful nail polish on my hands anyway, so this one was quite intriguing as I am constantly looking for natural-looking, long-lasting pastel nail lacquer. This one is pretty nice and I’ve been wearing it quite a bit.

3.) Recently, I’ve got back into listening to podcasts and the Stuff you should know Podcast has been in my iTunes subscription list for quite a while.  They have some really interesting (and also some weird) topics and I’ve definitely learned a lot (or refreshed my memory on stuff) by tuning in! You should check it out!

4.) When I was in Germany, I borrowed my sister’s Paul Green sneakers (since I didn’t bring any closed-toe shoes to Germany, being the California girl that I am now. Ha!) and fell in love with them. The last few days before I returned home, I was checking every shoe store for some Paul Green leather sneakers of my own and found those red ones (which my Mom had to send me, because they had to be ordered and didn’t arrive before I left Germany!). Aren’t they cool though?

5.) I’ve been working on two knitting projects and for both I am using this beautiful long gradient color yarn that my aunt got me hooked on. One skein is enough for a whole project and the color change happens over the whole yardage. It’s beautiful and so fun to work with! Knitting friends, do you know of a place here in the US where to get this kind of yarn?

6.) I go through phases when it comes to breakfast foods/items and I like to switch up my routine every once in a while. I have recently rediscovered kefir as a nice, refreshing snack or quick breakfast item. It’s basically somewhere between milk and yoghurt (think ‘drinkable yoghurt’) and comes in different flavors. It’s refreshing and tangy. You should give this a try if you’ve never had it!

  1. Love the sneakers & the nail polish. I’ve heard of kefir but have never tried it… maybe I will give it a go soon =)

  2. That kefir looks pretty darn delicious! I’ve never tried it, but now I want to. :) And the SYSK podcast has been a favorite of mine for years. So good!

  3. Cute shoes! Plus LOVING the yarn! Cool colors and scheme!!

  4. Oh, I love the SYSK podcast! It’s one of my favorites, mainly because I love the interaction between the hosts. And I love all the knowledge and new stuff I learn! Such a neat podcast. :)

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