Photo of the week: Hi little guy!

Foto der Woche

Hello my dear ‘Foto der Woche‘-friends! How has your week been so far? Did you snap some great pictures?

Here’s my Glücklichmacher #19:


Hi, little guy (taken May 13, 2014)

This little guy visited  me during my lunch break, which I spent outside on a bench on Campus, yesterday. He was quite fearless and came right up to me to beg for scraps.
I know, I know, you’re not supposed to feed squirrels (and I didn’t!), but he was so cute and polite and I wish I could have given him something.

  1. What a great picture! He’s adorable.

    And even though you were tempted, it’s good you didn’t feed him. When I was in 8th grade, we were on a trip to DC and one of my classmates tried to feed a squirrel and Oreo. The squirrel bit him and he had to go to the ER for rabies shots.

    I will never forget that.


  2. Haha, das ist ein wirklich klasse Foto!!

    LG Judith

  3. Oh! He’s so cute!

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