A SoCal weekend


Anybody still reading this?

I never seem to be able to catch up these days, but I promise to blog more in September. Or, at least that is the goal.

For now, I am hoping to appease you with some beautiful pictures from the beach. Do you love the beach as much as I do? I don’t know, but for this German (and I think for most other Germans as well), beach resembles a sense of vacation, so whenever I get the chance to spend a weekend at the beach, it feels like a little get-away. Oh, how very convenient that my in-laws live in a beach town. J was busy with other things, so I went down to SoCal by myself a couple of weeks ago.

Look! Can you spot Folsom Lake? I was so excited to see it from the plane.

You must know, it’s my favorite (geeky) past time on domestic flights to try and identify geographic features from the plane.


I’ve been quite lucky in the past to catch beautiful views of Yosemite National Park from the plane. This time, clouds moved in just when we passed it… maybe you can still make out Half Dome in this picture?


The weather in SoCal was gorgeous and I was quite happy to escape the heat of the Central Valley for a few days (although, to be honest, August has been surprisingly mild this year. It’s usually one of the hottest months of the year and we only scratched the triple digits on a couple of days. Unheard of!). Still, there is nothing better than sunshine and a bit of the ocean breeze.


I am so in love with the blue sky and the glow of the ocean waves in this picture! Also the sailing boat in the background passed by right at the perfect time.




I found this cute little guy sun-bathing on a big rock right on the beach…. and on a pretty rock at that! I am kinda bummed I didn’t kick him off and took the rock home (I usually collect a rock or two when I am at the beach!). Look at the beautiful dual color pattern it has going on!



My favorite thing to do is to bury my bare feet in the sand, so a beach walk is always a MUST! Is there a better feeling than sand between your toes and a breeze tousling your hair? I don’t think so!


No ‘vacation’ would be complete without Sunday brunch (don’t you agree?)! We tried this cute Italian Café and I instantly fell in love with their (very European) coffee cups.


I was a little bit surprised to see breakfast crêpes on the menu (aren’t those French?), but who am I to complain about some deliciously filled breakfast crêpes!




It was nice to see you again, SoCal! Until next time!

  1. Mmmm… I love crepes. I agree – they are definitely a French item. There are a couple of good crepe places in Charlotte that have GF options so I love going there.

    That sounds like a perfect get away. I would love to have family that lived along the ocean – so nice to have the option to visit them without the expense associated with staying in a hotel in beach area!

  2. Aw, beach trips are the best!

  3. I always start the summer saying I’ll go to the beach, but I never get around to it! Which is just laziness on my part, because it’s only an hour’s drive. Thankfully I’m going to my aunt’s beach house next weekend & down to Florida at the end of September.

  4. Well, to have the in-laws living in a beach town is really very convenient. :)
    And I totally agree – beacht time means happy time for me, too. I mean, I’ve been to beaches quite often in my life, compared to others (in Australia, I met an American girl, age 26, who’s never ever been to a beach in all her life!!), but it’s true, the ocean and the beach makes everything just so much better. :)

    Have a great new week.
    Love, Nadine

    P.S.: Did you get my mails? Was able to finish another subchapter last week. :) The next sub-chapters won’t be that long as those in chapter 3. Promise.

  5. Yikes, I’m a bit tired. Sorry for all the typos. ;)

  6. Wow. What a beautiful beach! I will have to visit sometime. I would have taken that rock. It looks neat. And those crepes look delicious. My mom used to make some and fill them with jam.

  7. I LOVE the beach! Well water really. Lake, beach, river. You name it, I love it. That looks absolutely amazing and so pretty!

    It’s been a mild summer here also (surprisingly), but I’m thankful for that. Still very ready for fall though!

  8. oh looks so lovely, glad you had a fun trip!

  9. The beach always reminds me of warm sun on my skin, cool breeze through my hair and cold water on my feet. Love it! Glad you took advantage of some time with J’s parents despite taking the trip without him!

  10. What a fun trip and such beautiful photos! There really is nothing better than do feel the sand between your toes and to hear the sound of the waves! Glad you had such a good time! xxx

  11. I’ve lived in a coastal state for most of my life and I still always feel like it’s a vacation when I’m there, no matter how long or short my visit. I love it so much.

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