Friday Link Love

All adventurous women do: On being Hannah Horvath by Kate (Suburban Sweetheart).  Is the series “Girls” too real?

There is no going back home by Riayn (Geek Mädel). As a fellow expat, I can very much relate to that.

On… the value of a person by Melissa (Press Play). This is me!

Two sides of every story by Heidikins (Heidikins). So true! Sometimes we have to remind us about that.

My case for Internet friendships by Lesley (Barefoot on 45th). I am sure you feel the same.

Hey Google, we still love the Reader by Chris Taylor via (Mashable). I am going to miss Google Reader dearly.

Enough of this. Let’s move forward, yes? by Kelly (Insert Clever Title here). I couldn’t agree more.


Are there any blog posts that you’d like to recommend to me this week?

Happy Friday, peeps!

  1. Thanks for linking, San! Hope you have a lovely weekend. :) I always appreciate your sweet comments and support.

  2. Thanks so much for the link love. :)

  3. Wonderful links, San! I bet you can imagine which one I can relate to most this week!
    Hugs xxx

  4. Thanks for the link up! :)


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