19: The Causeway Classic

On Saturday,  J and I went to see our obligatory annual football game –  the  Causeway Classic. It’s the annual Football Game between UC Davis (Aggies) and Sacramento State University (Hornets) and it’s named after the Yolo Causeway, which is a 3.2-mile long elevated highway viaduct on Interstate 80 over the Yolo Bypass floodplain that separates Davis and Sacramento.



Causeway Classic

We got super-lucky with the weather, because it was supposed to rain all Saturday, but we got to the stadium and the sun was actually out and it was not too cold either.

You know, I usually don’t really care about Football. I barely understand the rules, which means I am happy to know when to cheer for the right team! We really just go for the nostalgia. If anyone ever says again that Baseball is “boring” to watch, I’d like to say that football is a hell of a lot more boring to me. I don’t even know half of the time who has the (foot)ball.


I have said it before and I will say it again: what I love most about Football Games are the Marching Bands :) If it is the stunning performances or merely the fact that we don’t have anything comparable in Germany, I can’t say. I just now that I am always looking forward to the halftime performance. I especially enjoy the guys who play the sousaphones.


It was a good game (J gave me a refresher on the basic rules as it went along) and in the end, Davis won 34-27. Hooray! (Even though I work at Sac State campus, we always cheer for UCD, because it’s J’s alma mater (and a little bit mine, too). It only started raining a little bit in the last quarter, but we decided to stay until the very end. Then we headed downtown to get some yummy Thai food (also somewhat of a tradition to do after the game!).

Thai Nakorn

Other good things this weekend:

early morning gingerbread coffee ♥ Sunday morning trip to IKEA ♥ getting laundry done ♥ knitting ♥ trip to Michaels (more yarn!) ♥ Skype calls with family ♥ tea ♥ a table full of crafts ♥ candles ♥ “Sister Wives” Season 4 ♥ dark chocolate mint thins (holy addiction – it’s also the marker for the beginning of the holiday season for me!)

Did you have a nice weekend?

  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Nathan and I have had season tickets for the Eskimos (CFL) since we started dating but this year we opted out. I still don’t entirely understand football (six years later …) but I actually really missed it!

  2. That sounds like a fun tradition! I prefer football to baseball actually becuase I feel like there is less breaks in the action! And I grew up watching my brothers play football. That said, I still would only pay money to go to an outdoor stadium I think, and would rather watch college than professional football!

    My weekend was awesome! I ran, went to yoga, had brunch with friends, had a date night, and had a nephew date!

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