16: Friday Link Love

The healthy breakfast cookie by Maegan (SAHMaegan). I tried those last weekend and thought they were delicious!!

Telling the truth by Lauren (Lauren from Texas).  Sometimes it can be hard to be completely honest, especially about our own feelings. I really could relate to this post from Lauren.

On hurtful words and why I blog by Kerri (Your Wishcake). This post broke my heart a little bit. I hate the Internet trolls who have nothing better to do than talk about other people. Ugh, go away.

Honesty, Love & Change by Terra (terra-the-bear). Circumstances change, relationships don’t have to.

A gray life by Marie (Marie’s Café). Oh, how I can relate to this feeling of homesickness.

Places I’ve lived: Jönköping, Sweden by Kat (Thoughts & Things). Wanna travel a bit without leaving the comfort of your couch? How about Sweden? My friend Kat lived there as an exchange student. She takes beautiful pictures, too.

Are there any blog posts that you’d like to recommend to me this week?

Happy Friday, peeps!