8: Awkward & Awesome


This is a regular feature post on my blog. See the archives here.

  • … and disappointing are some of the hateful and nasty status updates and tweets I have seen about the outcome of this election. Come on, people. You’re better than this.
  • Michaels discontinued my favorite cotton yarn (Loops & Threads Cotton Club) and I am completely bummed out about it. I loved the pastel colors and I have an unfinished project that I was hoping to finish and that I can get a specific color of this yarn for now. Marvelous. Haven’t quite decided if I try to improvise and finish with the colors I have left, or what?
  • The weather must be changing. I’ve got a headache. I am like a weatherman, or something. Could be PMS, too.
  • People, who I don’t hear a peep from all year and who go and tell my sister they’d love to get together with me when I  visit for Christmas. Right. Like I don’t have more important people to see. Jeez.


  • The crockpot that I ordered arrived a few days ago and I already cooked my first crockpot chili (for election night). To say that I am excited is an understatement. This winter will be about ALL THE crockpot recipes. If you have any that you can recommend, please link them in the comments or email me!!
  • I’m really excited about the 4-day weekend that is just around and some cooler temperatures around here. Maybe we’ll get fall after all? Hope dies last (actually, it just started to rain. Hooray).
  • I’ll be starting to craft my batch of Christmas cards this weekend. I just realized, Christmas is only 8 weeks away. Are you excited?
  • Sister Wives will be back on TLC next week. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited.
  • I am looking forward to trying a new recipe for “Mürbchen” (a German milk crescent, sometimes with raisins) this weekend. I haven’t had on in months (if not, years!).
  1. OH I know those people all too well….don’t talk to you in years but as soon as they heard where we were they tried contacting us for a “cheap” vacation!
    Crockpot sounds awesome, never had one, but love them! Have fun trying all those recipes! Hope to see lots of yummy food over here in the future!
    Have a wonderful weekend! xxx
    4 more years! ❤

  2. I can’t wait for crockpot recipes!

    Did you read the Sister Wives book?

  3. crockpot365.blogspot.com/ is a really good website for a ton of good crockpot recipes. I tend to make mine easy ones – like salsa chicken which I just plop in the chicken and pour a jar of salsa on top and let it cook for 6ish hours. Ha. Super easy but also super delish!

    I’m glad you got a Crock-Pot! I lovvvve mine so, so much.

  4. You’re going to have to share some of your favorite recipes, too. Chili and soups are great in slow cookers, but I’ve busted on everything else.

  5. hurrah for a new crockpot, i’m so excited to use mine again soon. just need to figure out what i want to make, ha.

  6. Love Sister Wives! Guilty Pleasure. Not that I could ever be one! I know I did make one comment on FB. But mostly it was an overtired groan. Nothing serious. Now that I know that my heart condition can be fixed, I’m a lot less blue. Depression can make you feel like every thing is bad. At least now I am say OK, Prez! Show me what we’re gonna do to fix it! And mean it! In a really good and positive way!

  7. Four more years!

    I just got a new crockpot, too! If I find any good recipes, I’ll let you know. :)

  8. Sorry to hear about your yarn being discontinued. I’d be bummed too… perhaps another craft store in your area carries it? Or if they have a website?

    And seeing the reaction to the election tweets and stuff is pretty upsetting! Everyone’s just fighting with each other it seems…

  9. This is my all time favorite crock pot recipe. It’s SO good:


    That is a bummer about them discontinuing that yarn. :(

    Awkward = Letting my co-worker know that instead of spending the weekend in LA when I come to California, I am spending it in San Fran. I felt so bad, but I really wanted to spend time with my friend Kyria that lives in the SFO area.

    Awesome = It wave above freezing today and got up to 50! Woo hip!

  10. Okay – I’m really, really excited about Sister Wives. I got hooked after seeing you and others talk about it on twitter and now I’m obsessed.

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