Things I Love Thursday


I haven’t done a proper TILT post in a while, so I guess it’s time to round up a few of the things I’ve been loving lately.


I’m loving…

… my new online friends that I’ve found through VEDA. You’re all awesome.

… Caprese Salad (with fresh basil from my garden). I make it with balsamic vinegar (I don’t know if that’s the ‘proper’ way to do it) and I love it. I might be a little obsessed right now. (Here’s proof that I could never ever give up cheese, even if I wanted to.)

…  sand between my toes. I am not really a beach person (as in, I am not someone who enjoys beach vacations and lying on the beach all day), but I love a nice beach walk and waiting for the sunset. Always make me marvel at the beauty of this world.

… “The Newsroom”. It’s such an awesome show. The dialogs are witty and clever and I am totally in love with the theme music. The composer is a genius. If you haven’t checked out this new HBO series, do it. NOW.

…  the feeling of getting stuff done. I enjoy writing to-do lists every week and then crossing things of said list. It’s such a rewarding feeling and I already got so much accomplished this week.

… when good things happen to good people. I can’t help but smile when I hear about good news from friends near and far. It makes my heart happy. More of that.

… weekend getaways. There is nothing better than getting away for a couple of days. I am looking forward to a tentatively planned weekend-trip in San Francisco in September! It’s always a trip worth taking!

… my new maxi skirt that I bought a couple of weeks ago. It’s so soft and comfortable. It’s my first maxi skirt ever and I love it!

… the slightly ‘cooler’ temperatures. Who am I kidding, the temps are still in the 90’s here in the Central Valley, but it’s a significant cool off from the 100+F that we had to deal with in the last few weeks.

… that Christmas is only 4 months away. Wait. What?


What are you loving right now?

  1. Oh my gosh, Christmas.

    I like getting things crossed off my to do list too. Good job, girl.

    I’m enjoying the cooler temps in Pittsburgh, but I worry about snow. I hate driving in it.

  2. Berries! Strawberries, Blueberries, raspberries and also I mix in a few grapes! Toss it with some banana flavored yogurt and that’s a great breakfast for me. I’m also addicted to a caprese salad. Too good!

  3. I love Christmas. All the food, decorations, and the music!

  4. caprese salads are like crack to me, seriously so good. i’ve also been loving black bean burgers lately, seriously so addicted. that and sons or anarchy. clearly.

  5. There is lots to love in your life lately. :) I am loving the cooler temps we have had lately, time spent with friends, cuddles with my nephews, time spent with my parents, and my nook. :)

  6. Crazy that Christmas is that soon – this year has gone by SO quickly. I can’t believe we’re already at the end of August.

    Also, I firmly believe caprese salad is best with balsamic – so good!

  7. I love how your toes match your pants – nice job coordinating! =) Also, The Newsroom? LOVE! I’m so sad there’s only one episdoe left in the season.

  8. I LOVE caprese salad! I think it’s one of my favorites. I must have eating a dozen of them in Italy! Balsamic vinegar is one of the only things I can’t even SMELL let alone eat, so I prefer mine just with some oregano or salt & pepper, topped with olive oil :)

  9. I love to do lists! The feeling of accomplishing things is great. Sometimes I just put extra things on the list that I know I am going to do anyway so I can get that feeling a little bit more!

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